Who Are You?

 In Blog, Love & Support

Alicia-Hartzell-Law-of-Attraction-Awakening-to-Your-StoryLet me remind you of the love within. Listen, you are the only you this world will ever know.  Your essence of love, your creation of life, and your expression of truth are completely unique.  The light that you bring to the table of humanity is contagious and essential.

We are all drawn to light, because one of our fundamental ingredients is light.  Law of attraction will forever pull us towards the very thing that we are.  In its simplest form, you can feel it. As you listen to laughter in the background, your heart lifts. A smile from a stranger can change your day, not to mention what a smile from a best friend, or lover, can do.

The love that is your fundamental truth, your divine ingredient, gets illuminated as you return to it.  This illumination grows even brighter when you share, create and give to the other people sitting at the table of humanity.

Why the need to return?

We pick up things as we live our lives that can dull this light.  We adopt thoughts of pain and separation to replace the truth of our miraculous nature and connection.  If you haven’t been in this place of darkness yourself, I’m sure you have recognized it in others.  Like a cloud that follows them, they are lost in the shadow.  Some have resigned to darkness. Still pulled towards the light, they believe the truth is in the separation of it.  Others fight and struggle in the darkness until the contrast is so great, they will do anything to get back to the light.  It’s then, that they will find the strength to make their way back to the their truth, because they have nothing left to lose, and everything to gain.

My-Light-Alicia-Hartzell-Awakening-to-Your-Story-Where are you today?

  • Is your love being illuminated like glitter in the sunlight?
  • Are you sharing, creating and giving your unique light to the world?
  • Are you fighting your way back from being lost in the darkness?
  • Are you just starting to see the things you have adopted?
  • It’s time to return!  It’s time to shine like only you can!

If you need help, I am here.  If you need to be inspired, or supported on your journey back to your truth this is the place to come.  If you are ready to come home, to the love within, I am here to teach you got get back.

You can sign up for one on one time with me today. The Shift package gives us time to get you headed in the right direction.

No matter where you are reach out for that miracle that is waiting for you.

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