Let Your Heart Be Free

 In Blog, Inspiration & Motivation

Let-Your-Heart-Be-Free-Alicia-Hartzell-Awakening-to-Your-StoryAre you sick of believing the lies that you picked up along the way? The thoughts that play over and over again; I’m not good enough, I can’t have what I want, life is disappointing and love equals pain. It’s time for your heart to be free of the pain and limitation! The thoughts that push you into a corner are only yours by adoption. They are not your fundamental truth. You did not come into this world thinking or believing statements like these. Let’s love our way through them: You are not just good enough you are miraculous! There is no limitation to all that you are! There are no boundaries to all that you can do! You are designed to dream big and then live into those dreams! Life works in your favor to help you achieve those dreams. When your dreams and your capacity of heart are aligned you can manifest effectively. Disappointment is meant to be a directional sign along the path towards your dreams, not the essence of the experience. When you are attached to an outcome, disappoint can highlight the place where your capacity of heart and beliefs of your heart are not aligned. Utilize these moments and then set them free, try not to hold onto them as your truth. You are love and the truth of that love does not mean the absence of pain in your life, but the reality that love is greater than the pain. As you remove the conditions associated with love, you create a freer and broader expression of that truth. With that truth comes your freedom of heart. It is an inside job that only you can do. It is time to let your heart be free. Push back on those voices; don’t let them keep you cornered! Life is a journey back to the truth, it’s one we all must take. The journey from what we were taught to what we came into this world knowing. If you need help along the way, or even if you just need a little inspiration to keep you going, I am here for you.

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