Today’s Question:

Dear Alicia –

How do I build my faith back up in humanity? I had this deep belief that we would continue to rise together as a collective, but it feels like over the last few years we are working harder to divine and destroying each other.

I am having a really hard time regaining my belief that we are progressing forward rather than going backward. How do I get back to that place of trust?

My Answer For You:

It can be hard to keep the faith when you turn on your TV or open social media and it’s flooded with all the darkest parts of humanity. Fear sneaks in and before you know it; it’s binding your vision of love and possibility. Once you plug into fear, it simply breads more fear.


Today’s episode is all about giving you insight and action to help understand what is really going on at the table of humanity. Watch today’s video and learn how to look at all the pain you see before you differently. It’s time to unplug from the fear and plug back into love. Your ability to turn your faith in humanity into action for humanity is more valuable now than ever.



A Few Things To Keep In Mind:

  • You always have the power to choose whether you are plugged into the fear or into the love.
  • It’s time to turn your faith in humanity into action for humanity.
  • Fear still has us separating ourselves out into; them vs us, right vs. wrong, and my side vs their side. But know this, separation is just an illusion created by fear to keep us bound.



Next time you feel yourself being pulled into the darkness by fear reach for L.O.V.E to help you.

L – Look to see that you are plugged into Love

O – Own your truth

V – Vanquishing the fear

E – Embrace your ability to rise, be light, and create space for others to rise and be light.


As you watch the video or listen to the podcast version, know that I holding a place of love for you where your power to rise and plug into love and light is undeniable.





Don’t Forget:

You Can Also Listen To The Podcast Version On The Go!





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