What Do You Wish You Could Let Go Of

 In Blog, Summer Session

SUMMER SESSION: Questions to Awaken Your Heart, Mind, and Soul.

Here is a question that will help you reflect, clarify, and celebrate your story.

Sometimes it simply takes the spark of a questions to ignite an inner flame, illuminating where you have been, where you are in this moment, and where you heart is longing to go.

Ask yourself, ask your friends, your partner, your children, or ask a stranger this week’s question, and watch the miracles unfold before you!

This week’s question is:


What do you wish you could let go of, but hesitate when you try?

Wishes and dreams do this funny thing that people don’t often talk about.  They set into motion change at the deepest level of your being.  In any given moment we are living within our heart’s Awakening to Your Story capacity, but often we find that our capacity of heart has been bound by adopted limiting beliefs.  Wishes and dreams live outside of your current capacity of heart, and the limiting beliefs bully you into thinking those wishes and dreams aren’t for you. But not only are they for you, they were designed to lead you to own your essential truth and broaden your heart’s capacity to hold all thing aligned with love.

This week’s question is about letting go of something.  It could be anything; big or small, monumental or minimal.  Allowing yourself to bring your conscious awareness and curiosity to whatever it is, gifts you space that allows a path to change to become clearer.  Even the most inconsequential thing you wish to let go of, sets you on a path to your truth. It can be a very empowering practice.

Sometimes we hold onto things out of fear and sometimes we hold onto them out of comfort.   We wish we could let go, but then when don’t we beat ourselves up.  The key is to notice those bullying voices as the ones of limiting beliefs, just stay curious and engaged on the path to change.   Remember, curiosity is fear and limiting beliefs nemesis.  When you active your curiosity, limiting beliefs have a harder time fooling you. Questions like this fuel curiosity and illuminate your truth!

A Few Things To Deepen Your Experience With This Week’s Question

  1. Don’t Stop At One Answer:
    Take the larger macro scape question; “What do you want to let go of, but hesitate when you try?” and make it’s focus more micro in scope allowing you to try it on for size; “What do you want to let go of for the today or week?”  Shifting the question like this helps try the change on for size.
  2. My Favorite Thing About Letting Go:
    There is always something new on the other side waiting to be embraced.  When you let go of what no longer fits, or what you no longer want, you actively broaden your capacity to hold what you do want.
  3. Use The Question to Stay Plugged Into Your Truth:
    Keep this week’s question stoking the fire of inner curiosity and let it help you stay plugged into your truth.  A few of the “I AM Essential Truths” that work really well with this week’s question are: I AM RESILIENT, I AM STRONG, I AM SAFE, and I AM POWERFUL. Read the post, listen to the podcast, or watch the Awakening to Your Story TV episode and plug back into your truth by clicking on the image.














My Answer To This Week’s Question Goes Like This…

I would love to let go of the clutter that has been building in my house.  This isn’t a dream or wish that feels life shaking, but what lies on the other side does have huge benefit that can totally be felt.  I have gone through phase of de-cluttering before, and it is so freeing.  I can feel that it’s Awakening to Your Story time to do it again.  I hesitate for many reasons; time and priority are big players in the hesitation.  But there are also thoughts plugged into fear like; I’m afraid I might need it again, I spent good money on that, what a waste, and what if I can’t have what I want to take’s it place.  Holding onto things because of fear, no matter what the thought looks like is not aligned in truth and possibility.

The truth say I have time to make it a priority. The feelings of freedom that come from cleaning out are yours whenever you are ready. I will have what I need as I need it.  I can give things away allowing them to have new homes and provide for others.  I have plenty of money to create the space in my home that I desire.  Feels pretty good to me.

This week I am going to use my micro response in a way that helps build on my macro response. This week I am going to de-clutter the bags I use everyday.  That way it’s like I am building up to de-cluttering on a bigger level.

Keep in mind there are no wrong answers! Maybe you want to let go of a habit, limiting belief that keeps knocking you down, those old sweats that make you feel comfy but also gross, a food that makes your body feel bad, or something that is no longer serving your higher good.  Try not to let the limiting voices in your head judge your responses for you.  Just stay open and curious.

Tell me your answer to this week’s question. I can’t wait to hear what comes up for you! Remember I am always here to teach, support, and inspire you with heart-centered solutions for your everyday problems.
xoxo- Alicia



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