When Do You Most Feel Like Yourself

 In Blog, Summer Session

SUMMER SESSION: Questions to Awaken Your Heart, Mind, and Soul.

Here is a question that will help you reflect, clarify, and celebrate your story.

Sometimes it simply takes the spark of a questions to ignite an inner flame, illuminating where you have been, where you are in this moment, and where you heart is longing to go.

Ask yourself, ask your friends, your partner, your children, or ask a stranger this week’s question, and watch the miracles unfold before you!

This week’s question is:


When Do You Most Feel Like Yourself?

Let’s be honest, day-to-day life can be distracting.  You wear lots of hats, fulfilling lots of different positions, for lots of different people.  That outward focus doesn’t always provide you with the best environment to feel grounded in your own existence.  It can set the stage to feel like parts of you are missing or unfulfilled. It’s in those moments that you are stepping through an illusion that was created by someone else.  This illusion haunts us all, leaving yourself out of the equation so that others can have what they need. Ummm, hello you can give more, and be more from a place of inner fulfillment and connection.  Thank mean finding those moments when you truly feel like yourself and creating more space for that kind of energy in your life.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryDo more of whatever it is, that makes you feel like yourself!  You have the power to really embrace those kinds of moments and when you do, you create space for them to multiply.  Try not let the voices of limiting beliefs talk you out of finding and focusing on those moments.  Don’t fall under the spell of the misconception, that you have to shrink into nothingness under the needs or wishes of others. To be a “good” spouse, parent, friend, employee, boss, or person living your life; you don’t have to give of yourself until there is nothing left.  What “good” is that?

Instead, imagine being connected to your heart, and your consciousness.  Being fully connected to that wellspring of life that is you, gifts you a space where anything is possible.  Just think about what you can offer the world around you, from that place of fulfillment.  It can start with knowing what really makes you feel like yourself, because it’s that question that points you in the direction of home.

Try making a list of all the times when you feel the most like yourself.  I feel most like myself when… 1,2,3,4,5.  List them out.  Then put yourself in the way of those kinds of moments as much as possible.  Remember, only you can be you in this big, wide world of ours.  We need you at the table of humanity in all your miraculously, unique glory. Questions like this fuel your curiosity and illuminate your truth! Read the post, listen to the podcast, or watch the Awakening to Your Story TV episode and plug back into your truth by clicking on the image.

A Few Things To Deepen Your Experience With This Week’s Question

  1. Don’t Stop At One Answer:
    Take the larger macro scape question; “When do you most feel like yourself?” and make it’s focus more micro in scope; “When have you most felt like yourself this week or today?”  Shifting the question like this helps you see that your truth is not just a one off experience.
  2. My Favorite Thing About Stepping into Your Full Expression of Self:
    In that alignment of self, you find well spring of energy and power. I love that limiting beliefs tend to fall away in these moments of truly feeling like yourself.  Everything just becomes more enjoyable. I also love that being “you” is a celebration.
  3. Use The Question to Stay Plugged Into Your Truth:
    Keep this week’s question stoking the fire of inner curiosity and let it help you stay plugged into your truth.  Two of the “I AM Essential Truths” that work really well with this week’s question are: I AM CREATIVE and I AM CONNECTED.








My Answer To This Week’s Question Goes Like This…


I feel most like myself when I feel connected.  There are so many expression and ways that I can get to that place of connection, but one of my favorite is when I am laughing and and experiencing joy well up in me.  I just got off the phone with one of my soul sisters, and the joy and laughter was so tangible that mid conversation I literally had the thought… “oh there you are Alicia.” What perfect timing for this week’s question.  We were talking about all the things that tickle our souls and make us feel plugged in, they way that soul sisters do.  In that moment it’s like the curtains of all the other things in life, were pulled back, and my whole heart is there waiting for me.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryI have so many positive cellular memories where I am laughing and acting silly with my tribe, and it’s in those moments that I truly feel like myself.  It’s as if in those moments the full expression of myself comes flooding back to me.  I can easily reach for them because they are so close to my heart.

When parts of your soul get hidden away behind all the things on your list, other people’s needs and expectations, you tend to loose the fervor of life.   When parts of my soul have been hidden away behind all these things, it’s these positive cellular memories of laughter and silliness that immediately bring me back home to my true self.

I am going to shift this week’s micro response into an action.  This week I am going to reach out to my tribe.  I am going to connect and laugh, as I reach beyond my to-do-lists and expectations to find my full expression of self.

Remember there are no wrong answers!  Try not to let the limiting voices in your head judge your responses for you.  Just stay open and curious as you reach for more of what makes you feel alive!

Tell me your answer to this week’s question. I can’t wait to hear what comes up for you! Remember I am always here to teach, support, and inspire you with heart-centered solutions for your everyday problems.
xoxo- Alicia


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