Ambition: Notes From Reese & Alicia

 In Blog, Inspiration & Motivation

Alicia-Hartzell-Reese-WitherspoonIf you haven’t seen Reese Witherspoon’s speech about ambition you are missing a really valuable message.  Ambition is not a bad word!

Here is a link to Huffington Post’s article.

I can’t tell you how many times I hear people cowering around their own power and trying to smother the fire of their ambition. Ambition is not a bad word, quite the contrary.  Ambition is what allows us to drop other people’s limitation, and sometimes even our own. The voices that say; “you can’t, it won’t work, you shouldn’t, what are you thinking trying that, and the it’s impossible,” can be hushed by ambition.  Ambition doesn’t have to come from ego it can completely come from heart. With it you can create, build, and serve your higher good and the higher of humanity.

Reese’s questions to women, are for all who sit at the table of humanity.

Success-Alicia-Hartzell-“What do we do now? That’s a big question. What is it in life that you think you can’t accomplish? Or what is it that people have said that you cannot do? Wouldn’t it feel really good to prove them all wrong? Because I believe ambition is not a dirty word. It’s just believing in yourself and your abilities. Imagine this: What would happen if we were all brave enough to be a little bit more ambitious? I think the world would change.” Reese Witherspoon

Remember success is not carved out for the elite, but for the ones who are willing.  Be willing to ask the big questions, to show up for yourself and your dreams. Be willing to embrace the fire of your own ambition! You are the only you this world will ever know. Only you can bring your essence of love, expression of truth and creation of life to the table of humanity.

Big shout out to Reese for being willing to cheer people on.  If she can show up and embrace her ambition, so can you!

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