Birthday Wishes

 In Blog, Love & Support

Alicia-Hartzell-Awakening-to-Your-Story-Birthday-Another trip around the sun begins today.  I am going into this year facing the warm light of love, as I “will be crowned celestial favorite by benefic Jupiter, the great planet of good fortune and gifts.” (thank you for the horoscope bliss)

The best thing about being this conscious at 38 is that I know the difference between my essential truth, and the muck that separates me from it.  Oh, I might not always be graceful going from the muck to the truth, but I always get there! Thank you, 38!

BIRTHDAY WISH # 1 FOR YOU:  That you spend more time focusing on your truth than what separates you from it.  Focus on all that you are, all that you create and all that you have to be grateful for in your life. With every thought, you are manifesting your reality.  Spend more time in your essential truth, and you will manifest your dreams. 
I have so much to look forward to in this up coming year.  Each day filled with possibility, and each moment brimming with the truth of the heart. When I think of all I want to create, and all the human-angels who I get to create with and be inspired by, I get the goose bumps and the giggles.  I just can’t help it! Oh, the love I will spread this year!!  Supported possibility is one of the greatest miracles of my life!


Alicia-Hartzell-BdayBIRTHDAY WISH # 2 FOR YOU:  That you own your miraculous nature!  I might be brimming with all things wonderful now in my life, but it was the longest journey to this point.  There were many birthdays where I wasn’t sure if I wanted any more birthdays to come at all.  Where I hated the idea of celebrating me.  Why, what for, who the hell am I?  The pain and challenges were so much louder than the love, and my essential truth… are you joking, I didn’t even know what that was!  If you are in the shadows of your mind, just hold on. Hold on, and face any kind of light that you can find.  Hold on to that incredible heart of yours.  Advocate for your truth by searching it out! YOU ARE A FREAKING MIRACLE, supported in all your possibilities! Shine that light into the darkness, and keep letting it spread! One thought at a time… I am miraculous, I am love, my life matters, my heart is stronger than this moment, I am the essential truth of love, I am a miracle!!

One of my Soul sisters asked me to look back to see how far I have come. That retrospective was awe-inspiring! As I looked back, I was able to see the contrast, the vast leaps and the mile markers of my heart.  I can look back, and I am so blessed and proud of the person that I am becoming, the things that I have accomplished and the ways that I have loved.  Time and consciousness have allowed conditions on love to peel back.  Acceptance blooms into gratitude for all things and all people.  I became and artist, an author, a public speaker, a teacher, and a teller of truth.  As I look back I see I have become a better version of myself; a better sister, daughter, and friend.  My capacity to love and be loved is exponentially greater than before.  Time and consciousness are the best friends any human could have by their side!


Alicia-Hartzell-Awakeing-to-Your-Story-Soul-Sister-BIRTHDAY WISH 3 FOR YOU: That you could celebrate your accomplishments.  It’s time to let go of judgment and comparisons, and embrace all that YOU are.  Look back on your life, and really look at your evolution.  Celebrate all the work you have done so far, the little and the grand!  If you don’t like what you see, then look deeper and find something to celebrate as you dream, and set your heart into motion.

I believe in calling out into the universe, and asking for your miracles! So, today I will call out and ask for divine guidance and help, as I dream another year in existence! But, know this sweet love, as I call out for my many miracles it is you that I hope to create for.  You are my muse, and it is you that I hope to reach with love.

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