Cocooning Love

 In Blog, Love & Support


Alicia-Hartzell-Awaking-to-Your-Story-LOVESending you love, you sweet miracle maker!

Do you ever have periods of time where you feel sluggish or like you are bound by a cocoon? You feel disheartened and start to judge yourself because you can’t quite see the results of all that you’re doing.

Know this, you are not alone! It happens to all of us human kind!

I can’t tell you how many times I have found myself breaking though the cocoon. Feeling the relief as I looked back to see progress made.

Even finding balance and voice in the new space, created by all my hard work, was easier than being blinded in the cocoon.

Much like some of you, I am finally beginning to feel another layer peeling back. Another cycle of cocooning coming to an end, making room for expansion.

Trust in those moments when it’s hard to see. Know you are moving forward. Forever and always you are creating movement towards your dreams. There are always possibilities for growing pains, but there are always possibilities for miracles and wonder too!

You are the only you this world will ever know. Only you can bring your special essence of love to the table of humanity. It is all there for your higher good…. Please don’t give up before you make your way out of the cocoon! Just let go and give yourself time and space to be the evolving miracle that you are! If you need help, I am always here to love you unconditionally and teach you through the hard spaces!

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