Come Home to the LOVE Within

 In Blog, Learn & Grow


It’s time to come home to the love within. It’s not about the limitation that you’ve picked up along the way… Oh yes, moving through that limitation can be the key to your freedom, and it’s designed to help you do just that, if you use it properly. But, for just a moment let’s quiet all the noise and chaos of limitation, and let’s turn your attention towards home! Come Home, to the love within. Sweet creature of humanity, your truth is LOVE. Before the chaos, there was endless LOVE.

LOVE is the divine stardust that you were created from.

LOVE is your essence and intuitive nature.

LOVE is your essential truth.

While at times, the chaos and limitation may make it feel far away, the LOVE can only be hidden. It can never be taken away. And get this; the LOVE within you is so strong that it can only be hidden for a short time. Your heart is like a beacon, calling you back through the fog to your truth of LOVE.  LOVE is your lineage, and your legacy! Now is your time to set your sights on HOME, the LOVE within. Tell me, what qualities do you know and own of love today? Is it LOVE is fearless, LOVE is connected, or LOVE is abundant? What about LOVE is unconditional, and LOVE is respectful and trustworthy? Tell me! I am here to help you find your way back through the chaos and challenge!

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