Dare to Be

 In Blog, Learn & Grow


Dare-to-Be-Alicia-Hartzell-Don’t let circumstances or people chip away at all that you are! Don’t hide parts of yourself for the benefit of others, or because of fear. Don’t shame yourself into a corner, because you think you’re not enough. Listen here, you are pretty or handsome enough, you are smart enough, you are wise enough, bold enough, brave enough and you enough to do whatever it is your heart holds! You are Miraculous! Dare to be all of you, not just pieces of you! When you hide or beak down parts of yourself, you are denying your truth, not only to yourself, but also the world.

Your divinity, your magic, your wonder, your miraculous nature and your essential truth of love, are completely unique. They are completely yours and only you can bring those expressions to the table of humanity. Hey, I get it. It can be hard to believe in your wonder. You may have had it squashed down in the process of other people survived their lives. BUT: That squashing and tamping down of your light was an act you adopted, it is not fundamental to you! Coming back home to your miraculous nature may seem like a lie. BUT: The truth is in your wholeness. The crap you adopted along the way would have you believe you are less than all that you are, but your truth out weighs the all crap. You may feel like owning your truth is ego and self righteous. BUT: it’s not ego, it’s heart. You are not claiming your truth to then hold it over someone else’s head or to prove anything to anyone. No, stepping up and into your truth is divine, denying it is ego.

Your truth is your connection to your contentiousness, from that place you are completely connected to the divine. There is a reason you feel bad when cutting yourself down. There is a reason your heart sinks when you hold negative thought or promote negative actions towards yourself. Those negative things are not your truth!!! The contradiction between what you are thinking and what you truly are, is so great it causes pain!!! You must stop this internal pain! Dare to be all of you, my love. You are so much more than the pieces you are holding!! Sometimes know can make all the difference, but sometimes you need action. If you need active help coming home, I can help you map out your heart, then teach you how to navigate your way back to your power and essential truth! Your heart is ready! Your time is now!

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