Emotional Tool – Discernment & Inner Guidance

 In Awakening TV, Blog, Emotional Tools

Welcome to Awakening to Your Story the place to learn, get inspired and be supported with heart-centered solutions for your everyday life.

Toady we are going to be talking about an important two-part Emotional Tool: Discernment & Inner Guidance. This compact tool will help you stay an active participant in your life and story.

Discernment is your ability to decipher between what is true and what is false and what is right and wrong. It’s the process of making conscious decisions about what you think, while seeing the big picture of what is in front of you in your life.

Inner Guidance is your innate wisdom and the deep knowing that can be described as a gut or intuitive feeling. This inner guidance connects you to a divine and universal consciousness. When you listen to and foster your inner guidance, it helps you stay in a place of inner alignment.

Let’s talk about why this duo is so important as an Emotional Tool.

Have you ever gotten swept up into other people’s stories about who you are or what your life should look like? Have you ever found yourself lost in someone else’s belief system, making you feel off kilter? Have you ever looked back and realized you have gotten off track or have been living and thinking according to someone else’s narrative of who you should be or how you should be living your life?

This can happen in a dynamic as simple as a friendship or as complex as a religion, self-help process, self-improvement teachings, family dynamic, a marriage, work environment, or even social media platform. Think about it for a moment. That feeling of being off kilter or out of your own alignment, it can start as a whisper that can be denied but it will keep nagging at you until you pay attention.

It’s important to understand that we have been taught to ignore our own guidance for the sake of others. That is actually how most of us were parented, to live our lives according to the needs of the adults in our lives.

We come in as intuitive connected being and we are slowly taught to disconnect from our inner guidance system and not trust ourselves. When you are taught to live according to other people’s needs you inevitably get pulled out of our own inner alignment.

We all go through different levels of disconnection from ourselves. The many reasons of disconnection are less valuable to you then the act of finding your path that leads you back home to your heart and consciousness. Your inner guidance will always call to you, and when you fortify that with your power to use your discernment, it activates your state of consciousness.

Let’s talk about how to activate both sides of this Emotional Tool:

We are all designed to be seekers and explorers, which is exactly what you need on the path to finding your way home. You are here to be the writer, director and main character of your story. You have the power to build your own reality one thought and feeling at a time.

When you use Discernment and Inner Guidance as an Emotional Tool it takes you off autopilot and allows you to wake up and become a truly active participant in your life.

Discernment is your ability to decipher between what is true and what is false and what is right and wrong. It’s the process of making conscious decisions about what you think while seeing the big picture of what is in front of you in your life.

So how then do you activate discernment? I have underlined some key words in my definition that will help you create ownership for how you activate the part of the emotional tool. Decipher, making conscious decision, and seeing the big picture are they keys to turning on your ability to discern.

Seeing the big picture means that you have activated your curiosity and have pulled your perspective back so that you can see all the possible working parts at play. This allows you to see even the things that might not be obvious at first.

To decipher means you are not taking any of the ideas, situations, or beliefs at their presented face value instead you have doubled down on your curiosity and are using all the angles to help you decode the situation for yourself.

Making a conscious decision means that you are awake and informed as you decide what makes sense to you and what you will walk away believing.

Inner Guidance is your innate wisdom and the deep knowing that can be described as a gut or intuitive feeling. This inner guidance connects you to a divine and universal consciousness. When you listen to and foster your inner guidance it helps you stay in a place of inner alignment.

So now let’s look at how you activate your inner guidance. Again I have underlined 3 key points that will help you create ownership for this part of the emotional tool.

You are born with innate wisdom and a deep knowing. You know when something feels off or when something is wrong. You also know when something feels right and good. Your personal human experience can stifle your ability to hear the wisdom clearly but it will always call out to you.

When you have activated your inner guidance system you will feel connected to a deeper state of consciousness almost as if you are seeing and feeling things on a heightened level and are not alone as you live your story.

Your state or place of inner alignment happens when your focus on your heart and your story. You aren’t thinking and creating focused on other people, pushing too far forward, or by looking to far backward.

Let’s review some questions that help you keep this emotional tool activated in your life:

  • Am I checking in with myself to make sure the ideas I am having and the things I am thinking really feel true for me right now?
  • Do those thoughts feel additive or subtractive?
  • Am I being the architect of your belief system?
  • Am I acting as the writer, director and main character of my story or am I playing a supporting role in someone else’s story?
  • Am I being an active participant or am I just on autopilot following someone else’s ideas for my life?
  • Am I connected to and building up my inner guidance system?
  • Am I shrinking down in my life or am I rising within my story?
  • Am I staying curious and asking the internal and external questions that keep me connected and actively discerning in my life.
  • Does this make me feel more connected to myself and my inner alignment or to something external that might knock me out of alignment?

I want you to keep this in mind; you never have to go all in to one way of thinking and you don’t have to learn, grow and get information form just one place. And if someone is telling you that you do, it’s a good idea to see that as a red flag that is worthy of some attention.

Here is the secret no one tells you; you get to choose what you believe.

You have the power to pick and choose what ideas, thoughts, and beliefs resonate with you. You get to keep those tucked within your heart and you can leave the rest and then move forward. And guess what? You also have the power to change your mind along the way.

I know this is a broad and open-ended topic today and if you want to get specific or want some specific example just ask and I am more then happy to take it deeper.

I wanted to link the Emotional Tool Library so that if you wanted to put some of these ideas into practice you would have a place to start focusing.

Ok I am here if you need any help along the way. Leave any of your questions and comment on the video or this blog and let me know where your heart is in it all.

Subscribe to my emails and my YouTube channel, like and share the video and blog, and until next time, know I am holding a place of love for you, where you are a conscious and active participant in your story.


So keep bringing it back on your own emotional heart, and building and fortifying that long-term relationship you have with yourself.

I am here if you need any help along the way. Leave any of your questions and comment on the video or this blog and let me know where your heart is in it all.

Subscribe to my emails and my YouTube channel, like and share the video and blog, and until next time, know I am holding a place of love for you, where your is on the mend.


The Starter Kit, Hand Book and Emotional Tool Library are great FREE resources that can help you along the way!

The Emotional Tool Library allows you to pick and choose which tool to focus on according to what is going on in your life. Each video and blog walks you through an emotional tool and how to create a practical application to your situation.

If you enjoy a more hands-on approach the Awaking to Your Story Starter Kit – 3 Tools For Returning To Your Power is filled with exercise, audios, and videos that help step back into your power and map out your emotional heart.



You can also grab a copy of the Awaking to Your Story –Navigating the River of Life Handbook. You can never go wrong knowing where you are on the river of life and having to tools to help you through any turbulent situation. You can use the exercises inside to help you stay focused on your re-patterning process.



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Alicia Hartzell