Emotional Tool – Mini Meditation

 In Awakening TV, Blog, Emotional Tools

Welcome to Awakening to Your Story the place to learn, get inspired and be supported with heart-centered solutions for your everyday life. I am Alicia Hartzell and today we are going to be talking about Mini Meditations as an Emotional Tool you can add to your library.

A Mini Meditation, as an emotional tool, can create a state of mental, emotional and biological alignment. Bringing your mind and heart into a state of coherence creates access to your innate intelligence and capabilities. Meaning when you’re in a state of inner alignment everything feels a little bit easier, you think more clearly, and interact with the world for effectively. You have access to your higher-level thinking making even hard situation feel manageable.

We all know what it is like to feel stress rising within us. Our heart rhythm becomes disordered, and our mind races too far into the future or gets locked on the past. You can feel the struggle on a physical, mental and emotional level.

Utilizing mini meditations as an emotional tool won’t fix the situation that caused the stress. However, it will give you access your inner alignment where your higher-level thinking and innate intelligence and wisdom are available to help you problem solve your way through it. This is where you find solutions that feel good to you. Without coherence you will survive the experience but, it won’t feel good and you will find your self depleted physically, mentally, and emotionally. I think we can all agree that being in a state of inner alignment and coherence feels better.  Mini meditations are a great place to start.

So let’s talk about how to get there. There are lots of ways to meditate. Now you can even download an app onto your phone that will guide you. You may already have a meditation practice, which is amazing. But for anyone just starting to get to know your own inner alignment I want to walk you through a simple way to meditate that doesn’t take anything external and doesn’t take very long. That way you always have a simple way to access that state of inner alignment and coherence anytime you want.

We are going to be using a visual from another tool in the Awaking to Your Story Emotional tool Library. Mindfulness and Mental Emotional Time Travel is a great base for a Mini Meditation because it gives you a visual representation of what is happening with your mind. If you have not learned this tool yet I highly recommend it.

When we look at mental emotional time travel we look at your life as a movie being lived out before you. You are actively in the mode of play as you live the story of your life.

Now you are the writer, director, and main character of that story and you can travel back in time rewinding through your past or fast forwarding into your future. Time travel is second nature to us and often we don’t even realize we are doing it. You press the rewind button and you have recalled what you ate yesterday. Wisps of nostalgia may take you farther back to your childhood and that is your brain’s power to press rewind. In the same way you may be planning something in the future, and your brain fast forwards to visualize what is happening down the road.

When you meditate you are pressing pause on the movie of your life. All of the information from the movie is still there, every idea and picture from your past or projection into the future is all still there part of the movie. When you press pause you focus on the present moment only. This pause quiets the mind and allows your heart rhythm to settle back into a state of alignment or coherence.

The easiest way to press pause is to sit comfortably, put your dominant hand on your heart and close your eyes. This is you physically pressing the pause button on the movie. Now the mental pause follows. Put your awareness on your heart and breath. Focus on the inhale, the space between, the exhale, and the space between… over and over again. You can even exaggerate the sound of your breath to help you focus.  If you brain tries to fast forward or rewind bring awareness to your heart by pressing your hand a bit firmer on your chest. Just keep coming back to your breath.

Your biology will respond. Your heart rhythm will balance out and you may find a sense of ease in your body. Even if you just take two minutes to pause you are offering yourself access to a part of your brain that gets locked off when you are out of alignment. Your prefrontal cortex, higher-level thinking, and innate wisdom are found in that state of coherence and alignment. As the writer, director and main character of your story you want as much access to that as you can get.

Practice pressing pause in a mini meditation. Find a way to sneak it into your day wherever you can. Take a couple extra minutes in the bathroom, do it in bed before your feet even hit the ground, or while your lunch is heating up in the microwave. There is always room to fit it in. I highly recommend that create a practice of it, but you can also just grab it as a tool and do it when you feel the stress creeping in. That’s the perk of building your emotional tool library you always have access to the tools. Mini Meditations are a radical act of kindness and the inner coherence they create will positively affect every aspect of your life.

Ok, I am here if you have questions or need help along the way. Leave your comments, like and share this video and post, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and until next time know that I am holding a place of love for you where your power to pause and gain access to your inner alignment and coherence is undeniable.



The Starter Kit, Hand Book and Emotional Tool Library are great FREE resources that can help you along the way!

The Emotional Tool Library allows you to pick and choose which tool to focus on according to what is going on in your life. Each video and blog walks you through an emotional tool and how to create a practical application to your situation.

If you enjoy a more hands-on approach the Awaking to Your Story Starter Kit – 3 Tools For Returning To Your Power is filled with exercise, audios, and videos that help step back into your power and map out your emotional heart.



You can also grab a copy of the Awaking to Your Story –Navigating the River of Life Handbook. You can never go wrong knowing where you are on the river of life and having to tools to help you through any turbulent situation. You can use the exercises inside to help you stay focused on your re-patterning process.



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