Emotional Tools – Your Inner Voice

 In Awakening TV, Blog, Emotional Tools

Today we are talking about your inner voice, that narrator of your experience, that voice you hear thought out your day and the power that lies in using it as an emotional tool. Being in a conscious relationship with your inner voice is a game changer when it comes to feeling better in your life.

That inner narrator sets a thought into motion from one of two places. A thought can come from your amygdala, aligned with your limiting beliefs or from your prefrontal cortex, aligned with your essential truth.

Your amygdala is always scanning for what is wrong creating a negative bias to help you in case you have to fight, get the heck out off there aka flight or freeze to stay safe.

Your prefrontal cortex is where your higher-level thinking, creating, and problem solving happen. And when trained you can create a positive bias that helps you scan for all that is working and feels good in your life.

We go into this in detail in the Positive & Negative Bias video & blog that you can find here:

Often we don’t take ownership for our inner voice as an emotional tool, instead we let is play on autopilot as it narrates according to our negative bias.

The limiting beliefs that you are carrying around with you, they get played on repeat like a broken record: I can’t have that, I don’t deserve that, It’s never going to get better, I’m not enough, I’m not worthy of that, there must be something wrong with me, that is so far out of my reach, I don’t look the right way, it’s not fair, just to call out a few.

It will ask you to focus on the shame, frustration, bitterness, anger, blame, anxiety, and self-deprecation that you feel and try to make yourself as small as you possible can. The voice of the person who; hurt you, bullied you, tried to make you live your life in the shadow of them, or handed down their limitation to you, that voice has morphed into your own thinking and has become the narrator you hear thought your day.

When you let your inner voice run unchecked, you become completely disconnected from the reality that you have power over your inner voice rather then it having power over you.

When you use your inner voice as an emotional tool you become an active participant in the narration of your story and experience. You have the power to direct where your thoughts go and where they come from.

You have the power to foster a conscious relationship with your own inner dialog and create a positive bias. Just imagine if your inner voice was narrating from the place of endless possibility. It would be narrating a solution-oriented path of thought. That narrator would be pulling your focus back to your essential truth and what is possible for you.

That inner voice might sound like: you’ve got this, you are enough, keep going, you can figure this out, you can do this, you are worthy, just take it one logical step at a time and you will find your way, I believe in you, you have the power, you are strong enough, you are so deserving, you are so very capable, it’s all working in your favor even if you can’t see it right now, just find that inner alignment and connect with your heart, just to name a few.

What if that voice was speaking to you through a positive bias? It would ask you to focus on the possibilities ahead, solutions, gratitude, joy, enthusiasm, alignment, expanding, shinning, rising within yourself, thriving, enjoying what’s working and what feels good in your life and story, and become more of who you truly are.

You always have the power to not only question your inner dialog; you also have the power to choose your path of thinking. It all happens one thought and feeling at a time.

We talk about these two paths of thinking in great detail in the video and blog about the Emotional Tool – The Jellyfish Beach

Let Look At How To Take Your Inner Voice Off Autopilot And Create A More Conscious Relationship With It.

First you use your superpower called metacognition. Metacognition is your ability to witness and evaluate your own thoughts. When you do this, rather then just taking direction from the thought you have the ability to observe it and create a space where it can become more neutral. Witnessing the thought in this way allows you to become an active participant who has the power to choose where to go from there.

Second you stay curious and companionate with yourself as you decide how you want to participate with the thought.

Third you choose the path of thought you want to take; the amygdala – limiting belief – jellyfish beach path of thought or the prefrontal cortex – essential truth – pina colada path of thought. If you choose your prefrontal cortex path of thinking you might need to do some square breathing to quit down your nervous system.

Forth you choose a thought that feels better. Once you have activated that solution oriented, higher level thinking part of your mind you can start to scan for a thought that might feel better. And then you keep reaching for the next thought.

EXAMPLE: So if your inner voice says you are not good enough or worthy, you don’t have to blindly follow that thought’s suggestion about who you are.

First: Witness it. (I am not good enough or worthy) there it is a thought that only has power if your give it power.

Second: Don’t follow it instead choose how you would like to interact with it.

Third: Let’s choose the prefrontal cortex – essential truth – pina colada path of thought allowing you to lean into your inner alignment and power. Take a few square breaths Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, exhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 count. Do this till you feel your nervous system slow down.

Fourth: From your higher level, solution oriented place of thinking reach for a thought that feels a little bit better: (My worth and enough-ness feels like it’s being determined by outside sources.)

Next thought that feels a little bit better: (Wait I have the power to change my point of reference and see that those things are actually determined from what is essential to me.)

Next thought that feels a little bit better: (My essential truth reminds me that my worth, value and significance were woven into my humanity by my divinity are not things that I have to earn.)

Next thought that feels a little bit better: (I am enough as I am, I am worthy as I am, and no one has the authority to determine that for me, I just have to have the power to acknowledge it within me.)

And you keep building from there. All of this happens in a matter of moments but you have to take the time to call it out. Remember you build your life and story one thought and feeling at a time. You also stay on your chosen path of thought one thought and feeling at a time.

This goes for any thought that your inner voice narrates to you.

It is time for you to take it off autopilot and take your power back. It all happens one thought and feeling at a time. So use your inner voice as a tool to help you find your inner alignment and feel better in your life and story.

Let me know if you have questions, I am here for you.

Subscribe to my emails and my YouTube channel, like and share the video and blog, and until next time, know I am holding a place of love for you where the power of your inner voice is undeniable.

The Starter Kit and Hand Book are great FREE resources that can help you along the way! And they are both free to you so it’s as easy as downloading and enjoying.


If you enjoy a more hands-on approach you can always grab your copy of the Awaking to Your Story Starter Kit – 3 Tools For Returning To Your Power.

This Kit is filled with chapters to help you move through this very process. With exercise, audios, and videos you will learn three powerful tools to help you shift your point of view, while also learning how to map out your story so you can take back your power over your thoughts.



You can also grab a copy of the Awaking to Your Story –Navigating the River of Life Handbook. You can never go wrong knowing where you are on the river of life and having to tools to help you through any turbulent situation. You can use the exercises inside to help you stay focused on your re-patterning process.



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