Gentleness How to Tame the Voices in Your Head

 In Blog, Learn & Grow


Be-Gentle-with-Yourself-Today-We all feel the need to push ourselves (eek and sometimes others) forward. Movement forward can be profound and miraculous and exactly what we long to create. It’s the pushing part that we should start to think about. What if you were just a little bit more gentle with yourself and also the people that surround you?

You see, we were not designed to be work horses driven by whips and chains. Yet so often that is what the voices in our heads tell us. You might not even notice because you have become accustom to it. I sure didn’t! It wasn’t until recently that I had to examine the way I was treating myself. Sadly even the people close to me were feeling the push. Hey none of us are perfect and as Oprah Winfrey so lovingly puts it, “You can’t do better till you know better.” So, I went on a journey inward to peel back anther layer of my own personal healing. With my own heart as my map, I found exactly where the voices started.

VOICES: You’re not enough, be more. If I don’t push and fight than I might have nothing. VOICES WITH GENTLENESS: Hey, I am enough and I can build more in a harmonious way. I am fully supported in all that I do. It is within my power to change the voice in my head, and it brings me power to actively do it! It is also within your power to change the voices in your head. What is it your heart needs to change those voices? Is it gentleness? What about love, patience, understanding, to be seen, to be heard, and the list of possible things your heart needs to create change in the voices goes on and on. Take the power back by finding what your heart needs to change those voices! If you need help mapping out your heart I am always here to help!

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