Light in the Darkness

 In Blog, Learn & Grow

Dear-Me-In-Darkenss-there-is-LightIn every moment of darkness there is light.  Be brave enough to find it and bold enough to own it, even when the world around you cannot see it yet.

There is great value in honoring the darkness, as it has its place and purpose, but you never have to get lost in it.  In the darkness there is light, because the light is the truth with in you.

When you are hurting, floundering, doubting or being overtaken by darkness, reach for the light.  Through the tears and frustration, find the strength to reach within. There is fundamental truth waiting to bring you relief, waiting to shine like a beacon in the darkness.

If the darkness goes beyond your own heart and floods the table of humanity, know that this too has purpose.  Even if your mind is blown and your heart is torn to pieces there, is light to be found.  Search for the light.  When there is collective pain, people rally.  When we are stripped of choice and must fight for it, we are less likely to take it for granted.  Think about the light in all the rubble, the people that rise, the voices that unite the declarations created, all opportunities created through darker moments.

Honor where you are, but never get lost, for you are designed to illuminate the table of humanity with your unique and miraculous light.

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