Love Is Bigger

 In Blog, Love & Support

Alicia-Hartzell-Awakening-to-Your-Story-Love-is-BiggerLove is bigger than this moment of pain and challenge.

I’m not just talking about that feel-good feeling of love standing up against the sorrow of your pain, or the frustration of your challenge.  I am talking about the fundamental ingredient of who you are being bigger than the moment where you find yourself.

You can’t help but be where you are.  If there is pain and challenge, it is up to you to utilize it.

Not one thing happens to you, it all happens for you!  Being honest and curious will help you, as you navigate your way beyond the pain and challenge.  As you do, know this, it is only a moment in your story.  Ok, it might be a long ass moment, but it is not the whole of your story.


Pain is not your lineage, challenge is not your legacy, and this place of suffering is not your fundamental truth!  No, that is LOVE.  Not the ooey-gooey, googley-eyed expression of love, although you have that in you. too.  I’m talking about your fundamental ingredient of love that holds strength, while also holding vulnerability.  Love is the energy that courses through every cell of who we are.  It is, and was, and will always be the starting point of your existence.  Love is the intuitive knowledge of your heart, and with every moment that passes, it calls you home.  Love reminds you that there is more, as it tries to pull you beyond the limitation that you adopted along the way.

If there is challenge or pain in your story right now, know it is there so you can find your way back home to the love within.  It is only a moment, one that is so much smaller than your whole.

If you need help mapping out your heart, I am here for you.  I will help you do just that, map out your heart.  Then, I will teach you how to read the map, so that you can see and utilize all the elements that are trying to get you home.

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