Love Wins

 In Blog, Love & Support

LOVE-WINS-Awakening-to-Your-StoryLOVE Really Does Wins!

We are connected beings of light and love, weaving together the tapestry of mankind.  We all sit at the Table of Humanity. Separation is an illusion. LOVE is the reality.
It is time to step out of the fog of fear, pain, judgment, limitation and condemnation.  This is a fog that clouds both sides of any conversation.  That’s right… both sides!  Think about what side of a conversation you stand on. Now think about what you are breeding on that side.  What is the energy that you are manifesting within yourself and the conversation?
Love breeds and manifests love!  It is law!
No matter what your capacity of heart may be, you are only asked to be you.  But know this, you are designed to evolve and grow.  As you learn and your heart capacity expands, so does your ability to love and embody more truth.  This is a journey of freedom, not limitation.  If your world keeps getting smaller, then you might want to evaluate which direction you are headed on your journey.  It’s time to put peace into fear, and healing into the pain.  Let’s replace judgment with understanding, limitation with possibility and condemnation with peace and harmony.
It’s exciting to see a collective group of humanity stepping out of limitation together.  Marriage equality means that a large enough collective has stepped out of that limiting fog.  So many more people will now be able to embody their full expression of self, and create and live fully into their dreams.  This is a victory for humanity, and the collective consciousness! For some this equality will ignite more fear. It’s in this, that we all have an opportunity to continue to expand our heart capacity.
Remember only LOVE can breed and manifest LOVE!
If you are looking to get married and need an officiant to help you make your wedding special email me today!

Or, if you need help finding the love within sign up for some one on one time today!

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