Manifesting Grace Through Gratitude

 In Blog, Learn & Grow


Manifesting-Grace-Through-Gratitude-Alicia-Hartzell-Awakening-to-Your-Story-Starting the Oprah and Deepak 21 day Meditation “Manifesting Grace Through Gratitude” today, and I can’t wait to get still in this beautiful idea.

Grace; a refinement of movement, created with gratitude.

To think that you could refine the movement of your life, with a simple turn of your attention.  I know it isn’t always the easier act, but I know you have it in you.  When the fight and struggle bombard you, change the momentum. When you feel like life is happening to you, or you are being attacked, stop feeding the negativity beast.  You have the power, my love!  You, and only you, can change the course of your experience.  With every thought, you are manifesting and creating.  No thought goes unnoticed or unused; the good, bad, ugly and the beautiful.  Where your mind goes, so shall you be; it is law.

One of problem we run into is that we are rarely conscious of our thoughts.  We get swept away in fight, and the mundane drudgery.  Oh, my love, you are meant for so much more! You are miraculously unique and brilliantly powerful!  You are designed to create and build and weave together the tapestry of humanity.  Like a light illuminating the sky, you are meant to shine and radiate your fundamental truth of love!

The easiest, and most effective, way to get back on track with this love train is to step into gratitude!  That’s right, baby! Step in, and step up! Find the little things at first.  Bask in the light of gratitude!  Let it wash the struggle into a distant memory.  Allow it to build on its self until you are reveling in the wonder and brilliance of all that you are.  Stay tuned into the gratitude until the light and truth are what play back in your mind.

Life happens for me! Bam!  I am grateful! Bam!  I am connected! Bam!   I have all that I need and more! Bam!   I am in harmony! Bam! I am surrounded by possibility! Bam!

Say it out loud, write it down, text it, share it, be the gratitude, not only internally, but externally!

Join in on the journey! Make a little time to get quiet in gratitude!  Come on you know you want to join in on the love train!  Sign up for the meditation here! 

And, if you ever need a little help along the way, I am your teacher!  Sign up to get some one-on-one time with me here!


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