May My Heart Be Full

 In Blog, Note to Self

Alicia Hartzell Awakening To Your StoryHappiest of Holidays to You!

This year the holidays look a little different for most of us. And even if the holidays have slowed down this year, seasonal blues still have a way of sneaking in. It can disrupt your joy with stress, and overwhelming waves of sadness.

So, there are three things I want you to remember this holiday season. Each one is powerful on it’s own, but woven together radiates an inner light that can pierces through those holiday blues making way for the joy and bliss to flow right into your heart.



Holiday blues are a state of mind and you have power over what you think…

Alicia Hartzell Awkaening to Your Story

Remember you don’t have to take directions from your thoughts; you have the power to direct them. Your brain in a powerful part of your humanity, but it’s so important to understand it’s a tool that you control. You have the power to choose your thoughts, engage your imagination, and focus wherever it is you want to focus your attention.

If you are focused on the darkness and fear then unchecked your imagination will go there and perpetuate that very thing. Your amygdala will keep processing those negative emotions holding you in a suspended flight, fight, or freeze pattern.

If you can quiet down your amygdala and activate your prefrontal cortex you have the power to step into your higher level of thinking. You can set your focus to optimism and create a solution-oriented path forward.

You might not be able to shift your mind’s focus all at once… and that is ok. Just work at watching each thought, and notice if it will lead you away from where you want to go or closer to it. Slow down your thoughts and incrementally reach for ones that feel better.

With each thought you can make more room for the joy to flow in to your life. Your imagination on go wild creating thoughts and images of what is possible. Bliss is also a state of mind and it’s well within your power to design it for yourself one thought and feeling at a time.

The last couple blogs and videos will help you do just that. Remember an easy way to shift your state of mind is put yourself in front of as much of the good feeling stuff as you can. So read or reread the blogs, watch the videos or even play the videos in the back ground while you do your holiday activates.




Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story


There is always something to be grateful for in your life…

No matter how blue you may be feeling you can always find something to be grateful for in you life. Oprah always says she wakes up and finds gratitude in the fact she is lucky enough to have another day. She is breathing and living and so there is always something possible waiting for her.

Let me tell you she is telling you the truth. If you are breathing and living then you have found a perfect place to start focusing on your gratitude. Consciously call that out set’s your mind to focus there. You will find that you are scanning your moments for glimpses of that same kind of light. The more you seek the more you will find.

Then if you want to expand on that joy catch those thought of gratitude and expand on them. Whether you are writing them out or just calling them out for yourself take it deeper. Elaborate on why you are grateful for that thing or experience. How does it feel to bask in that unique expression of gratitude? This transforms a statement of gratitude to an experience of gratitude that you can really reflect back on, and it holds you in your inner light.

THE OPTIMISM BLOG & VIDEO walks you through 3 great practices that will foster more optimum and gratitude in your life.



The light that transforms those blues into joy is infectious…Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Yoru Story

As you cultivate the joy with your thoughts, step into a place of deep gratitude, and allow yourself to focus on what is good then you step out of the blue into the light. That light grows within you building momentum and offering you more and more moment in a state of bliss.

So as you keep that inner light multiplying remember to pass it on. Light and joy are utterly contagious and it’s the best kind thing to spread this holiday.

Plug into that inner light and then reach out to someone in your life and tell them that you love and appreciate them. Make it more then a statement make it an experience. Tell them why you love them and what your favorite thing is about who they are.

Your focus from your heart to their heart will radiate light through both of you. And you know what, it doesn’t even matter if they have the capacity to take it all in… Just embody the joy and gratitude and be the light and it will inevitably lead you to a state of holiday bliss.

Alicia Hartzell Awakeing to Your StoryOk… keep those three things in mind over the next few weeks and into your new year.

While I will be taking some time away from creating for you over the holidays, I will be relying to comments and sending you personalized notes back.

So leave me you comments and tell me what you are grateful for in your life & what is creating bliss and joy in your life. Or if you can’t seem to get there on your own tell me that too and we will get there together.

Wrapping you in love this holiday season! -xoxo Alicia



In this week’s video we go through all three of these “things to remember” to help transform the holiday blues into joy and a more bliss filled holiday!






The Starter Kit and Hand Book are great resources that can help you along the way!


If you enjoy a more hands-on approach you can always grab your copy of the Awaking to Your Story Starter Kit – 3 Tools For Returning To Your Power.

This Kit is filled with chapters to help you move through this very process. With exercise, audios, and videos you will learn three powerful tools to help you shift your point of view, while also learning how to map out your story so you can take back your power over your thoughts.



You can also grab a copy of the Awaking to Your Story –Navigating the River of Life Handbook. You can never go wrong knowing where you are on the river of life and having to tools to help you through any turbulent situation. You can use the exercises inside to help you stay focused on your re-patterning process.



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