Note To Self Be Awe Inspired

 In Blog, Learn & Grow

Dear-Me-2-Note to Self: Be Awe Inspired

Do you know what the number one thing is that causes us to live small, to doubt, to walk away from our gifts, to ignore our passions, and to turn our backs on our fundamental truth? FEAR.

Fear is a many faceted gem of an emotion…

What if you tried something different with fear today?
What if you gently inserted something wonderful in its place? Nothing particularity dramatic, I know, but what if you could simply hold a different space for one day? Replace the thought that holds the fear with one that holds inner truth.
Something Like this:

F – Thought: “I am afraid that I can’t do this.”
AWE INSPIRING Thought: There are an endless amount of things that I do, and that I do well.

F – Thought: “I am afraid I don’t have enough.”
AWE INSPIRING Thought: Deep breath! Look at all that I do have. I am grateful for it all.

F – Thought: “I am making too many mistakes.”
AWE INSPIRING Thought: As a human being I am here to learn and grow, and as I know better I will always do better.

This challenge may seem silly and way too easy to take seriously, but try it!

Even when it doesn’t feel like it, your truth is way bigger than your fear!! You just need to give your truth bigger billing than the fear!

XOXOX- Alicia

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