Note To Self: Don’t Give Up On Humanity

 In Blog, Note to Self

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryDon’t Give Up On Humanity

No matter what crazy mix of human expression is showing up in your life or on your social media feed, know that your seat that the table of humanity is powerful.

When you feel like giving up on humanity or are depressed by what you see happening out in the world think about these things instead:

  1. Every thought you think or action you take comes from one of two places. Love, the divine source energy that is woven through all things or fear, the separation from that divine source energy. Love is aligned with and energies your essential truth, while fear energies and is aligned with your limiting beliefs.

You always have the power to choose whether you are plugged into the fear or into the love. It is always valuable to evaluate where you are coming from and what energy source you are tapped into. If you have any feeling of discomfort or suffering it is time to find a way back to your source of love.Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

  1. Sometimes when we want to give up on something it’s because there is stagnant energy not being expressed. Make sure you know that you are tapped into that source of love and then try expressing that outward.

You are meant to express your expression of love out to the table of humanity. This isn’t to fix things or change things in the world. It is to use your mix of divinity and humanity create from the fundamental truth in you.

  1. Don’t be afraid to feel good and choose divine alignment and love, even when a large part of the collective is suffering. Your suffering doesn’t lessen the suffering of others. You choosing to plug into someone’s expression of fear will never stop the other person’s fear. It is actually quite the opposite, you focusing on their fear breeds that fear within you. This will always cause you more suffering.

It is in your own personal alignment that suffering ends. You focusing on what is found in that alignment is where all things are possible, all answers are found, and all dreams can be realized. It is in this place that you can be the beacon of light, truth and love holding space for other to be the same.

Last season’s episode about not giving up on humanity supports this week’s Note to Self. While not all the points are the same, you can use it to plug back into that place of alignment and possibility. Watch the video or listen to the audio to really bring this note to self home.


Alicia Hartzell Awakeing to Your Story






Don’t forget to leave your comments and ask me any questions that you might have.

Sending you all the love this week while I’m holding a place for you to choose to plug into the power of love!

XOXO- Alicia

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Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryAlicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story