Note To Self: Don’t Take It Personally Use It Personally

 In Blog, Note to Self

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryDon’t Take It Personally, When You Can Use It Personally.

Nothing is yours until you own it or react to it! So stop taking on what isn’t yours. Don’t take the actions or expressions of other so personally. What is going on in their life isn’t about you, even if they try to make you feel like it is or blame you for it. When you take on someone else’s stuff, you are almost always reinforcing your own limiting beliefs.

Here is the problem with that, it doesn’t alleviate any of the suffering for anyone involved. It is actually the opposite; it creates deeper ownership for the limiting beliefs that hold you out of your own divine alignment. If something elicits a reaction from you and you find yourself starting to take it personally, pause and try shifting your thought just a bit.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryInstead of taking it personally, try using it personally. It is a subtle but powerful shift in perspective. -Taking vs. Using- When you take it on, it is just one more piece of limiting belief baggage for you to carry around with you. When you use it, then it helps you get rid of one more limiting belief piece of baggage that you have been carrying around with you.

Everything that comes into your life is a reflection of your own beliefs, thoughts, and focus. So the people around you and the things they are doing or saying are linked to something your heart.

Rather than taking it on, use it to find language for the limiting beliefs that are no longer serving your higher good. Take the other person out of the equation all together and just let the language that is left behind, lead you to the very thing that ready to be removed so that your truth can shine through.

It is in the absence of these limiting belief that you can focus on your truth and find that deeper alignment with the divine source energy within you. Nothing in your life is working against you; it is all working for you. You just have to dig in and use what is there to help you along the way.

Watch the video or listen to the audio to take the idea of not taking it personally but using it personally even deeper. We walk through the whole shift in perspective!  And remember you can always leave me your questions and comments below.

Alicia Hartzell Awakeing to Your Story






Sending you all the love this week as I’m holding a place for you to use all the information in your life personally!

XOXO- Alicia

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Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryAlicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story