Note To Self: Everything I Want Is Making Its Way To Me

 In Blog, Note to Self

Alicia HartzellMost Absolutely Is Coming For You.

If what you want feels really far away or even off limits to you I am here to tell you, remind you, and reassure you that what you want, wants you right back.

That in between place of wanting something and then having it can be really challenging to navigate. That challenge gets compounded when you see other people already there. Jealousy sneaks in and holds your attention in a place of separation which goes against your power to create.


Have you ever had thoughts like these seek into your everyday life?

  • I am jealous of what other people have: kids, house, job, relationship, lifestyle, etc..
  • Everyone else gets what I want.
  • Why can’t I have what they have?
  • Why is it easier for them to have it, but I can’t seem to have it too.
  • I deserve to have what they have.

It’s important to understand that thoughts like these are separate from who you are. You may think them, and they may feel very real to you in the moment, but they don’t actually define you. Thoughts like these are called limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are simply beliefs that limit you and hold you back. Often other people who are limited hand them down to you and tell you how your reality should be. You also tend to pick up limiting beliefs when a situation comes into your life with a lot of energy behind it or when you find yourself in a repetitive experience.

No matter how you pick up the limiting beliefs they always contradict your essential truth. This is the truth that your divinity wove right into your humanity. No matter how messy that humanity might get, the truth will always be fundamental to you. Now the pain and suffering of limiting beliefs comes in all different s sizes and expressions. Often they play in the background of your mind on repeat without you even realizing it.

Beliefs are a repetitive pattern of thinking that creates focus and momentum that push you forward to wherever it is you find yourself in life. If you love where you are or aspects of your life, you have positive patterns of thinking to thank. If you don’t like where you are or certain situations you find yourself in, you can always boil it down to patterns of thinking that are driven by limiting beliefs.

So what if you want to change your patterns of thinking? If the old limiting beliefs aren’t suiting you any more then it is time clear them away, as you create some new ones! This is the process of re-patterning your thoughts. There are endless ways of going about it, but the important thing to remember is that it’s 100% in your power to do change your thoughts to ones that feel better and that are more aligned with your essential truth.

Re-patterning happens one thought at a time. Your first job is notice the negative thoughts that are bulling, directing, or causing you discomfort in your life. No longer let them run in the back without you taking notice. Then you have to stop believing what they are telling. Try seeing them as something separate from you. When you do this it slows down the momentum, energy and emotion behind them.

Once you can catch the limiting beliefs and see them for what they are, you now have the power to re-pattern them. That’s right you get to direct your own thoughts. The best part is that you can use the limiting beliefs to help you find what it is you want to take its place.

Alicia Hartzell

Let’s say you have a thought that says, I can’t have it and I’m jealous they can. What if you take the limitation off that belief and shift your focus? What would you have then? You might find a thought that says, I can have it, and if I see others getting what I want then I must be even closer to it coming to me.

When you use these thought to help you see where you want to move forward, it helps you create a deeper language for your desire and your truth. This is why it’s so valuable not to react, repress, or rebel from the limiting beliefs. When you stop taking direction from them and allow them to help you create language for your truth you will find yourself in a very different kind of experience.

So let’s use some of the limiting beliefs we called out before to help us find some new patterns of thinking.

Try these thoughts on instead:

  • Stop and pivot my focus inward. This feeling can illustrate what I want and what is holding me back.
  • If I see someone else with what I want, that means its closer than I think.
  • What I want also wants me. My job is to let go of the thoughts that keep me separated from it.
  • My path is perfectly designed for my unique story and my capacity of heart. There is always room to expand so what I want can come right on in.
  • If I desire it, then it is meant for me. I just have to keep my focus on what is possible for my heart and story.


Intention setting has two very powerful jobs in your life.  One job is to consciously claim what it is you want. The second job is to act as a check post guard to your point of reference. That way when something coming into your life you can see if it is in alignment with your intention. If it is, wonderful, and if it is not you can kick that sucker to the curb.

This is a powerful intention for you to use as you re-pattern you limiting beliefs and come back to your truth.

“Today I will watch my thoughts without judgment. My intention is to catch the ones that limit me and that don’t feel good and engage them with compassion. My job is not to believe theses thought, but to use them to help light my path forward.

So with compassion I will acknowledge them, but rather then follow them I will instruct them to show me my truth. Then I will put all my attention and energy there for as long as I can, until another thought comes in and I get the opportunity to do it all again.”


Permission is a huge thing that often gets overlooked. Self-permission can feel like opening a door that was once closed to you. It is like saying this thing you want is no longer off limits or that you have the power to do or not do what your heart really wants.

So we are going to pus some conscious awareness to self-permission because you are 100% worth it! Let’s start with some that I came up with and then you can come up with some more that feel good to you! So say it with me now…

“I give myself permission to believe that what I want is making its way into my life. When I see others with what I want, I give myself permission to use that as a celebration that what I want is getting closer to me.”


Re-patterning is all about changing your focus to support the new patterns of thinking that are aligned with your truth. It all happens one thought at a time. So watch those thoughts as they come in and choose the ones that feel better. These micro adjustments give you back your power.

My favorite tricks to help build up those new patterns of thinking is to flood your mind with outside sources that are similar to your new thoughts. An idle mind will always tend to go back to what it knows best. So keep it moving down those new trains of thought with things like these:

  1. Listen to podcasts of people who are focused where you want to go while you are driving, running errands, exercising, or while you are doing things around the house.
  2. Watch videos of people who inspire you to deepen into those new patterns of thinking or are living them for you to see, while you are getting ready or are cooking.
  3. Watch a movie that reinforces your new patter of thinking and can help you see the positive truths play out before you.
  4. Write those truths out as many times as you can and then go back and reread them often! When you write things down it helps your brain prioritize what you want it to focus and act on. Reading activates the mind in a similar way but sets your imagination into action at the same time. So prioritize and set your imagination into action on those truths!
  5. Tell a friend what you are working to re-pattern so that you have someone to help you get excited and celebrate as all the new experiences that match your new truth come into your life.

I have linked some episodes of my web series Awaking to Your Story TV that deal with some of the limiting beliefs that are linked to this Note to Self and reinforce the truth that waits for you on the other side. So let them play in the back ground as you go about your life, and keep calling out what feels good and right to you. You can also listen to them as a podcast on the go.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story










If you enjoy a more hands-on approach you can always grab your copy of the Awaking to Your Story Starter Kit – 3 Tools For Returning To Your Power.

This Kit is filled with chapters to help you move through this very process. With exercise, audios, and videos you will learn three powerful tools to help you shift your point of view, while also learning how to map out your story so you can take back your power over your thoughts.



You can also grab a copy of the Awaking to Your Story –Navigating the River of Life Handbook. You can never go wrong knowing where you are on the river of life and having to tools to help you through any turbulent situation. You can use the exercises inside to help you stay focused on your re-patterning process.



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