Note To Self: I Am Not A Victim

 In Blog, Note to Self

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryYou Are Not A Victim!

There is nothing in your story that isn’t serving your higher good.  Your divinity set your humanity into motion and wove everything you need right into your consciousness.

You have divine source energy coursing though you and when you are aligned with that energy, life is magnetic to all that is possible and wondrous. From this place of alignment there is no resistance and everything flows to you.

Now when you are out of alignment and are resisting this divine energy within you, suffering ensues. When contradicting thoughts come in and you believe them, and then start to focus on them, limiting beliefs are created. These beliefs bind your capacity of heart and hold you in suffering.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryWhen you create from this place of suffering and limitation, you co-create a reflection of that limitation. You are not a victim to anything in your co-created experience. Everything in life is happening for you not to you. Everything in your life reflects where your heart is, what you believe, and where you are focused.

If something happens in your story that is created from a place of misalignment, and creates suffering in your life, you are not a victim to it. Rather it is there to help you illustrate where you are. These moments give you language for your limiting beliefs as well as language for the truth that is found in contrast to them.

Yes in deed, even that offal, very bad thing, person, or experience is there to illustrate for you your limiting beliefs, and help you decipher your way back to your truth.

Victim is a point of reference that holds you out of alignment and keeps your focus on all of the wrongness that is in the suffering of misalignment. Co-creator is a point of reference that offers you alignment and possibility. This point of reference is what your divinity wove into your humanity and it is your truth.

Last season’s episode where we talked about the universe having your back and victim consciousness is a really great place to step back into your power.

Watch the video or listen to the audio to help you shift your point of view, and don’t forget you can ask me your questions and leave your comments below.

Alicia Hartzell Awakeing to Your Story






Sending you so much love this week as I hold a place where you step into your co-creating power.

XOXO- Alicia

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Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryAlicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story