Note To Self: I Am Not Cut Off

 In Blog, Note to Self

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryYou Are Not Cut Off From What You Want.

Even if what you want feels really far away, I am here to tell you, remind you, and reassure you that you are not cut off from the things you desire. When you set a desire or dream into motion, it takes time for it come into existence. Getting what you want is a creative process.

If you don’t have it yet check your focus. Your thoughts may be in resistance to what you want. If you keep thinking about not having it, then it can’t flow in. If you catch yourself felling doubt, shame, or unworthiness about having it then it can’t flow in. Limiting beliefs may be holding what you want hostage, but you are never cut off from the ability to have it.

Here is the thing; with every thought you think, you are either creating movement towards you dream or resistance to it. Where you put your focus and attention is where you will find yourself. So it is time to clean up your focus. Figure out why you want it, how you will feel when you have it, and what it will add to your life. Then focus on that. Embody those feelings and envision those additions. Move about your present moment knowing it is coming, and acting as if it is already here.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryNo matter what it may be:

  • New Job
  • Body You Want
  • New House
  • Feeling of Security
  • New Car
  • Lover or Partner
  • Better Relationship With Someone In Your Life
  • More Money
  • More Time
  • Vacation

The list of desires is endless.

I want you to understand that getting what you want is a process that can be fun! When you use the resistant feelings to readjust your focus to a place of alignment, then you become a true creator. It’s not just about the end game, it’s about everything along the way. You design it all one thought at a time.

Last season’s episode where we looked at what to do when you feel cut off is a perfect next step if you are feeling resistant to having what you want.  

Watch the video or listen to the audio to walk through shifting your perspective to one that is more aligned with you having your desires, and don’t forget you can leave me your questions and comments below.

Alicia Hartzell Awakeing to Your Story






Sending you all the love this week as I hold a place for your dreams to be fully realized!

XOXO- Alicia

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Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryAlicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story