Note To Self: I Am On The Right Path

 In Blog, Note to Self

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryYou Are On The Right Path!

Wherever you are right now, is your right path. If you are thinking anything outside of this truth, it is time to shift your perspective. There is no wrong path for you.

Any thought that comes in to make you think otherwise is charged with fear, doubt, and limiting beliefs. These thoughts distract you from your alignment with the divine source energy that is within you.

You could never be anywhere but where you are, in this brilliant place, where all your human and divine experiences have lead you to be. Not being where you want to be, does not mean you are on the wrong path, it just means you are not there yet.

When you find yourself focusing on not being where you want to be or feeling confused and doubting where you are in your life, it’s a good indicator that your thoughts are trying to tell you something. See on your path everything is designed to help you create movement to your desires. So even your feelings of separation, suffering, and challenge are working to create contrast. This contrast gifts you the language you need to create deeper connection to what you want.Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

Your path is a just that, a path, and your dreams are beautiful manifestations along that path. Not being there yet just means you are still in the building and creating part of the process.

You must tend to your thought if you are going to manifest your dreams along the way. Remember your thoughts and how you feel both create your path forward.

Spend time tending to your thought and aligning them with divine source energy. Think about how you want to feel right now and how you want to feel when your dreams are realized. Once you know that, you can incrementally start bringing those feelings into your present moment.

Last season’s there was an episode about knowing when you are on the right path and it is a wonderful reminder of this Note to Self.

Watch the video or listen to the audio to as a tool to tend to those misaligned thoughts, and don’t forget to leave you comments and ask me any questions that you might have!

Alicia Hartzell Awakeing to Your Story






Sending you all the love this week while I’m holding a place for your dreams to be fully realized!

XOXO- Alicia

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Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryAlicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story