Note To Self: I Can Calm My Mind

 In Blog, Note to Self

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryYou Can Calm The Storm In Your Mind.

Oh yes you can. Your divinity set your humanity into motion and one of the most valuable tools of your humanity is you mind. Your mind is part of your divine design and when you use it, tending to its thoughts, focusing on your divine truth and masterfully created desires, you can co-create anything. When don’t tend to your thoughts, limiting beliefs stack up, and you find your humanity being knocked around as you react to the things around you.

Anytime you find that you just can’t stop thinking all the thoughts that hold you in a place of suffering and resistance, it fees like a storm of negativity crashing though your mind. This is when you know you have not been tending to your thought.
You have not been using them to help you find your truth and alignment.

One thought of suffering leads to another, and another, and then before you know it, you are drowning. You are so focus on this story in your mind that you can’t see a way out. Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

It only took one thought to start the storm; it was focus that brought the intensity. So in the same way it only takes one thought to calm the storm; and focus to stop it. You can calm any storm that may have erupted in your mind; you just have to start to tend to your thoughts. Take one thought of alignment, added with unrelenting focus, and the storm in your mind will subside.

The fist thought can even be as simple as: “I Can Calm My Mind.” Then tend to it. Create focus by incrementally building upon that aligned thought. Think about how it will feel to be calm, at ease, in flow, and in harmony with your thoughts.

Incrementally just keep reaching for thoughts that feel better. Reach for thoughts that have more truth and that are more aligned with the divine source energy within you. Even if they don’t feel completely true yet, hold them as your truth. Be unyielding in your focus!

Last season we had an episode where we walked through an example of this very thing. In the episode we even gave step-by-step actions you can take to own your truth.  

Watch the video or listen to the audio to help you tend to your thoughts and flood your mind with thoughts aligned with divine source energy, and remember you can always leave your questions and comments below.

Alicia Hartzell Awakeing to Your Story






I am sending love to you this week while hold a place for you to find your divine alignment one brilliant thought at a time.

XOXO- Alicia

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Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story