Note To Self: I Can Let Go

 In Blog, Note to Self

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryYou Can Let Go.

That’s right, you can indeed let go. Set yourself free of all the things that no longer server your higher good, so that you can make room for more magic and wonder to come into your life. No matter what it is you want to let go of, you have the power within you to set yourself free.

Some of the internal things you might be ready to let go of today might be: patterns of thought that feel too small, limiting beliefs that are creating too much suffering, or visions of yourself that don’t feel in alignment with what is true.

What about the things that are physical? Is there anything that you are physically ready to let go of?

Whether you are emotionally or physically de-cluttering and letting go, remember that it is an active process. That couch that no longer serves your higher good is easy enough to let go of. The active process is taking it to the curb and then finding a new one to replace it. It is a one and done kind of experience. Emotionally letting go takes more repetitive action.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryThis is where a lot of people get frustrated. The expectation is that emotionally letting go is as easy as the physical letting go. And while it is just as freeing, it takes more time because there are patterns of thinking that are involved. Often what you are trying to emotionally let go of is linked to years and even decades of patterns of thought that limited.

But know this, you can let go of it. You are designed to let go of everything that is out of alignment with the divine source energy within you. When you let go in this way, you settle back into that place of harmony within yourself.

It takes knowing the truth that replaces the limiting belief, and incrementally shifting your thinking till you own it. You must keep choosing what you want and focus so much on it, that you know it inside and out. As you do this you change your focus from what you are trying to let go of, to what you want.

This is how the patterns of thought change and how you embody what you want. It is as much letting go as it is claiming your new truth. Just keep showing up as many thoughts as it takes. You were designed to let go of what doesn’t serve you and embrace what does.

Last season’s episode where we took a closer look at what letting go means and different ways to achieve it is a great way to take today’s Note to Self Deeper.

Watch the video or listen to the audio and allow yourself to let go of what is no longer serving your higher good, and don’t forget to leave your questions and comments.

Alicia Hartzell Awakeing to Your Story






Sending you love this week while I hold a place for you to let go!

XOXO- Alicia

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Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryAlicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story