Note To Self: No One Can Take My Dream From Me

 In Blog, Note to Self

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryNo One Can Take Your Dream From You.

No really, I mean it; no one can take your dream from you! Sure it may feel like it when you watch other people making your dreams their reality.

But here is the thing, just because other people are making their dreams (that feel like your dreams) reality, it doesn’t dissolve or diminish your dream at all!

Let me start by reminding you that there is alignment and purpose to creating dreams outside your capacity. It is a wonderful part of this divine and human experience we call life.

With every thought about your dream you are either creating movement towards it, or separation from it.

Separation from your dream comes from fear and limiting beliefs and it holds you in a place of suffering. These thought say things like:

  • I can’t have it if they have it.
  • There isn’t enough for all of us to have it.
  • It must not be for me if it’s for them.
  • I am left out.
  • I’m never going to have it, because I don’t have it now.Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story
  • See I still don’t have it.

Movement towards your dreams comes from a place of divine alignment and holds you in a place of possibility. These through say things like:

  • I can have it.
  • This is meant for me.
  • It’s coming to me even as I think this.
  • If they have it that means it’s have-able.
  • I can imagine what it will feel like once I have it and it feels good.
  • I can see myself having it in this very moment.

Can you feel the difference?  It’s a total workout to shift your thinking. But let me tell you, in the long run it is always better to choose the thoughts that serve you, not the limiting ones that are easy to reach. Those easy to reach thoughts tend to be aligned with the limiting beliefs you have been carrying around with you. And for that matter it is always better in the short run too, because those thoughts of alignment just feel so much better as you think them.

Last season’s episode about dealing with an ex getting everything that you wanted is a really good example of the very truth; “No one can take your dream from you.”

Watch the video or listen to the audio to really bring this note to self home, and remember no one can take your dream from you.

Alicia Hartzell Awakeing to Your Story






Don’t forget to leave your comments and ask me any questions that you might have.

Sending you all the love this week while I’m holding a place for your dreams to be fully realized!

XOXO- Alicia

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Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story