Note To Self: Stop Sabotaging Yourself

 In Blog, Note to Self

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryStop the Sabotaging.

Seriously, it’s time to stop! Whether it is happening in your love life, health, wealth, work, relationships, dreams, or anything in-between it’s time to figure out this whole “self-sabotaging” thing out.

The good news is that while self-sabotage feel pretty awful; it does not stop your ever-growing capacity of heart. Now hold onto your britches, because this is even more exciting. Self-sabotage is a tool that actually gives you language and shows you where you still need to do your heart’s work. But here is the catch; you can’t just sit in it you have to use it.

Let me explain. If you find yourself self-sabotaging there are two contradicting component pulling at your humanity; love and fear.

  • Love is aligned with and energizes your essential truth. Your divinity wove this fundamental truth right into our humanity. It links you to the divine source energy and you can never be separated from it. It is also linked right to the place you want to go, that place on the other side of the sabotage.
  • Fear is aligned with and energizes your limiting beliefs. These are the beliefs that contradict your truth. They may be handed down to you from other people living in fear and limitation, or you may have picked them up because of circumstances and your surroundings. No matter how you adopted them, they hide your truth and bind your mind and heart. It is also linked to the source of you sabotage.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryWhen you find yourself sabotaging parts of your life, it’s because part of you wants what is aligned with love and truth, yet your thoughts and actions are aligned with fear and limiting beliefs. Sabotaging is this contradiction being fully realized in your everyday life.

To use this phase of self-sabotage, start by getting more neutral. Get curious rather than being judgmental of your situation. As you do, give language to both sides. Look at the fear and liming beliefs that keep you linked to a pattern you are trying to stop. Give it purpose and let it indicate where you have been, so you can know where you want to go more clearly. Then look at what you want and how it will feel when you have it. Spend time tapping into these feelings of possibility that are aligned with the divine source energy that resides within you.

Now here is where the magic happens, to break that pattern you will have to spend equal or more time; building up your alignment to love, your connection to what you want, your truth, and how it makes you feel.

How do you do this?

Become more solution oriented rather than problem focused. Don’t keep allowing your mind to take you back to the problem that brought you to this place of discovery. Rather take your mind deeper into the solution and path that leads you to your desired outcome.

With every thought, incrementally deepen your truth and connection to that desire.

Last season’s episode about self-sabotage gives you a great analogy to help illustrate these two contradicting components pulling at your humanity and gives you some great examples.

Watch the video or listen to the audio to really bring this note to self home, and remember no one can take your dream from you.

Alicia Hartzell Awakeing to Your Story






Don’t forget to leave your comments and ask me any questions that you might have.

You have this! I am sending you so much love this week, and as I do I am holding a space of love for you where your path to your truth is undeniable.

XOXO- Alicia

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  • Penny Snider

    I needed this today!

    • Alicia Hartzell

      I’m glad it hit home! Now onto spending equal or more time building up your truth!

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Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryAlicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story