
Hello Beautiful Creature,

Do you ever feel like your vitality and health are being drained?  There are so many things that chip away at your vitality, energy, time, wellbeing, and health:

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

  • Fear
  • Separation
  • Disharmony
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Doubt

And let’s not leave out limiting beliefs that tell you that you’re:

  • Not good enough
  • Not strong enough
  • Not smart enough
  • Broken
  • Worthy
  • Capable

All of these things can chip away at you, and can begin to create physical, emotional, and mental disorder in your system.

I got news for you! Your truth is not this list of limitation or the disease or disorder they bring into your life. You may have picked up some of this list of limitations, and it maybe wrecking havoc on your system, but that pain and disorder are not fundamental to your divinity or humanity.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

It is time to return to your vitality, the place where source energy recharges every cell of your being. Where the full expression of your mind, body and being are healthy and full of life.

It’s time to step into the knowing that time, and circumstances are not about breaking you down, nope, it’s about it all building you up. Heath is your truth. Your journey back to this truth is completely unique and fully supported by the divine. The path for this journey starts by claiming the truth I AM HEALTHY.

Let’s head over to this week’s episode and cut the ties that hold you in fear. It is time for you to rise within the truth that says, I AM Healthy.

BONUS Ways to Own Your Truth:

Find an image of yourself where you feel healthy and full of vitality, add some text to the image, and put that physical representation of your truth where you can see it. This is Darby and me mid jumping for joy on my last birthday in my 30’s.  I felt full of life, and ready to take on the world!  Healthy, radiant, and powerful are the best words to describe this moment.

Once you create your image post it on social media with a note about your truth. It’s valuable to claim your truth externally as much as you do internally. Use the #awakeningtoyourstory

Join the Awakening to Your Story Facebook page, because we will be posting new images and links all week long to keep you focused on your truth! It’s also the perfect place to share your photo of truth!

Know that I am holding a place of love for you, where the truth of your health, is undeniable!


alicia hartzell Awakening to Your StoryDON’T FORGET: You can also listen to the podcast episodes on the go!

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Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryAlicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story