
Hello There Vibrant Being,

Do you ever feel like are moving through a fog or that your life feels dulled? Have you been consumed by all of the things you “should” and “have” to do, forgetting that your humanity is a gift? Well once again, you are not alone in the limitation and you will not be alone as you return to your truth.

Now is your time and you must work with every thought and every action to choose to come back home to your truth. You are not designed to suffer or to be lulled to sleep through your humanity. No, your divinity is way to vibrant for that. Each day when you wake up you are gifted a new place to experience wonder. You get to marvel at all that is being created around you at the table of humanity.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryIt is not just in the newness of the day that you can experience this bounty and freedom. You have a choice in every moment.  But, you must ask yourself this question, “Will I walk in fear or will I walk in love?”

When you walk in fear, your mind and spirit become caged. Love; the trues, divines, and most essential form of love that sits deep within every cell of your being, is the key that can set your spirit free.

Fear shows up disguised as hatred, frustration, stress, anxiety, self-doubt, loathing, discourse, confusion, and the list goes on and on. The amazing thing is that love in all of it’s abundant attributes, are always there ready and waiting.

All of the ”I AM truth’s” that we have covered in this season are a great place to start. Connection, miracles, light, worth, wholeness, heart-centered power, groundedness, strength, consciousness, safety, bravery, health, agelessness, abundance, happiness, and today’s truth VIBRANCE are all attributes of that essential truth of love.

When you move through life owning your divine vibrance, letting that light run through you, and then letting it radiate out to the table of humanity, fear has no place.

Let’s clear away the dullness, and unlock your spirit with the truth this truth, I AM VIBRANT. Let every cell of your being dance in Technicolor as you choose to move from a place of love today.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

BONUS Ways to Own Your Truth:

Find an image of yourself where you feel VIBRANT, add some text to the image, and put that physical representation of your truth where you can see it. This is a photo of me hiking through one of  Maui’s beautiful jungles.  It was one of those meditative hikes, where the divine uses your surroundings to teach and inspire you. Everything was vibrant on this hike, including my mind, body and being. It still serves as a wonderful reminder to me of all the vibrance within me.

Once you create your image post it on social media with a note about your truth. It’s valuable to claim your truth externally as much as you do internally. Use the #awakeningtoyourstory

Join the Awakening to Your Story Facebook page, because we will be posting new images and links all week long to keep you focused on your truth! It’s also the perfect place to share your photo of truth!

Know that I am holding a place of love for you, where the truth of your vibrance, is undeniable!


Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryDON’T FORGET: You can also listen to the podcast episodes on the go!

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Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryAlicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story