Well Hello Miracle Maker-

Do you ever feel like you have to make yourself feel smaller than you really are? Well in this episode we are going to see how undeniably miraculous you are; nope no ego, just heart and truth!

We often function through contradiction; our essential truths and limiting beliefs compete for head space and heart space. This inner fight is what has you living smaller than you really are!

But know this, your essential truth does not change. Oh, the limiting beliefs you picked up along the way can hide it, but it can never change your truth. This truth within you will fight to rise 2-miraculous-awakening-to-your-storythrough all the crap that bogs you down. In this week’s episode we are going to take you back and remind you of your divinely miraculous nature, plug you back into how extraordinary you are and begin to quite those limiting beliefs.

Think about how unique you are. There is no one on this planet like you nor will there ever be again. You are the only you this world will ever know. That is miraculous!

You are a mixture of divinity and humanity set into motion with infinite power to create! I would say that is pretty extraordinary. Your essence of love, expression of truth and creation of life can only be brought to the table of humanity by you. You get to weave these things into the tapestry of mankind. It’s miraculous and you are miraculous!

In this week’s video we will do just that! Let’s take 5 short, but powerful minutes to own your truth!

I believe you’re worth the time and attention and I can’t wait to shower you with truth and love.

And don’t forget to check out this week’s I AM image to help keep you focused on your truth through out the week!

After you watch the “I AM MIRACULOUS” episode, take that truth into your day-2-day life. Reach for your mantra of truth I AM MIRACULOUS every chance you get!

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryBONUS Ways to Own Your Truth:

Find an image of yourself where you feel that truth of connection, add some text to the image, and put that physical representation of your truth where you can see it. You can even post it on social media. It’s valuable to claim your truth externally as much as you do internally. Use #awakeningtoyourstory

Join the Awakening to Your Story Facebook page, because we will be posting new images and links all week long to keep you focused on your truth! It’s also the perfect place to share your photo of truth!

Know that I am holding a place for you, where your truth of miraculousness is undeniable!


Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryDON’T FORGET: You can also listen to the podcast episodes on the go!

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Awakening to Your Story Alicia HartzellAlicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story