Today’s Question:

Dear Alicia –

How do you heal old wounds? I know I have wounds from my childhood and past to heal. I have tried so many different ways of healing them. After all this time I keep coming back to the same wounds trying to do the same work over and over again. The things I am doing don’t seem to be sticking and the wounds still impact my life.  How do I heal these wounds once and for all?


My Answer For You:

It can be hard to know where to start when dealing with healing old wounds. You know you are carrying them, and that they are affecting your life, but you just aren’t sure how to put them down and let them go.


Today’s episode is all about giving you insight and action to help create healing in those places of pain. Watch today’s video and learn how let your wounds to their job. That’s right, your wounds have a very important job to do on your heart’s path. It’s time to let them work for you.


A Few Things To Keep In Mind:

  • Healing your wounds is not a destination or something you cross off a list, it is a path and your heart’s journey.
  • When you wake up to see your life as a path, and that everything on that path is there to serve your heart’s journey, then your wounds become messengers.
  • Let your wounds give you langue and illustrate what is going within your heart.




As you watch the video or listen to the podcast version, know that I holding a place of love for you where your path to your truth is undeniable.





Don’t Forget:

You Can Also Listen To The Podcast Version On The Go!





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