Today’s Question:

Dear Alicia –

My awakening started a few years ago and I felt very in sync with the world around me and had a lot of really amazing things happened to me.  But Now I feel like I’m cut off from the universe.  With all of the stuff I read and watch I am feeling very confused, and some of the information seems inconsistent. Somewhere someone explained it like if you’re drowning at sea you still have to just go with the flow and feel happy inside.

I’m feeling like the universe is unforgiving and am starting to feel a little bitter.

Is there any advice that you can give me with all of this?

My Answer For You:

It can be hard when you feel cut off from the universe and all the things that represent light in your life. The negative voices in you head focus on all of the things that feel off track. The more you focus in the fear the more confusion, bitterness, anxiety and stress sneak in and block the light.

Today’s episode is all about helping you decipher between the limiting beliefs and the truth. It’s time you have langue to help you quiet the negative voice in you head, and help you see just how purposeful moments like this are on your path forward. Watch today’s video so the next time you feel disconnected and confused, you have a game plan to help you focus on the truth.


A Few Things To Keep In Mind:

  • It’s not that the universe is unforgiving; it just won’t bend to the lies of the limiting beliefs you are holding onto.


  • Life is happening for you, never to you.




As you watch the video or listen to the podcast version, know that I am holding a place of love for you, where your truth and light are undeniable.



Don’t Forget:

You Can Also Listen To The Podcast Version On The Go!





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