Today’s Question:

Dear Alicia –

I keep trying to feel better but my thoughts keep coming back to what doesn’t seem to be working in my life. I want to shake the stink off but nothing I am doing seems to work. Why can’t I just snap out of my funk? – Signed – Looking To Feel Better

My Answer For You:

There are probably a couple of factors contributing to your state of funk and why you can’t seem to shake it. The negative voices in your head that echo the limiting beliefs you are carrying around with you, they explain the state of funk. While your attention and focus on them and what they represent in your life, will explain why you can snap out of it or shake it off.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

Lets talk about the limiting beliefs first then we will talk about patterns of thinking and focus.

Beliefs are simply thoughts you think over and over again. Limiting beliefs are thoughts you think that hold you back, and contradict your essential truth. They are plugged into fear and hold you in resistance to the divine source energy that is within you. These beliefs come into your life in many different ways. Other people who are suffering and limited can hand them down to you. You can also pick them up through traumatic or challenging situation in your life. Witnessing other peoples’ suffering can also lead you to adopting that suffering as your own.

No matter how you adopt them these limiting beliefs become the voices in your head that narrate your worth, and ability. They bind and tangle up the very things that your divinity wove into your humanity. Any negative thought you think that contradicts the divine source energy of love is part of your limiting belief system.

So if you find yourself in a state of funk, try getting curious about the limiting beliefs that might be driving that funk. Give it language and allow your feelings to illustrate where you are. Uncover the beliefs that keep holding you back. Once you do that there are no more hidden or mysterious things working against you. It is all working for you because those limiting beliefs can lead you right back to your essential truth.   It is like creating your own path out of the funk.

Your essential truth is aligned with that divine source energy of love and was woven right into your humanity by your divinity. The relief you have been longing for is waiting for you with that truth. Uncovering that truth is part of the journey. As you work to build up your truth keep in mind how long those limiting beliefs have been working in the background of your consciousness. It could be a decade or maybe more. This leads us to patterns of thinking and focus.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

If you have been living with patterns of thinking that echo the limiting beliefs for a long time, it can be hard to switch to one that is aligned with your essential truth.

Because this can be a challenging part of the journey I have come up with an analogy that will help you understand how it works.

The Jellyfish Beach vs. the Piña Colada Beach

We take an in depth look at this analogy in the Awakening to Your Story Book and Starter Kit.  Let’s look at it together here.

Let’s say you are walking through a grassy dune that leads you to a beach. You have walked down this same path many times a day, so the grass has been worn away leaving a very clear path of sand for you to follow. This represents your pattern of thinking.

Now when limiting beliefs fuels your pattern of thinking, they take you down a path that leads you to the jellyfish beach. This beach represents all of the negativity associated with the limiting beliefs. There are jellyfish in the water and on the sand making it hard to walk and swim. There are also sharks in the water and no sunscreen or umbrellas to offer you relief from the sun. All in all it feels as bad as those negative limiting beliefs.

The Piña Colada Beach represents your essential truth. Just like the divine source energy of love, this beach feels so good. You have everything that you need; there are big palm trees and umbrellas for shade, chase lounges and piña coladas ready to be enjoyed. On this beach the sand and water are pristine, filled with dolphins and turtles, starfish and all the wonders that the truth represents.

Here is the thing, even if you find your truth and make your way through the grass and down to the piña colada beach you have not yet created owner ship for it.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

So when you are given an experience where you have to choose the limiting belief or the truth, your tendency will be to follow the well-traveled path. After all you have only made your way through the grass to the piña colada beach once or maybe twice so you haven’t let the grass grow up on the jelly fish beach path, nor have you beaten down the grass on the new path.

When you are focused on the limitation and what is not working you are on the jellyfish beach path. When you find yourself there it is up to you to work on shifting your focus and finding your way back to the truth and the Piña colada beach path.

As you are re-patterning your thoughts you will be given endless opportunities to choose your truth over the limiting beliefs. Each time you choose your truth you create ownership for your new path. Wearing down grass so you can find it more easily, and it allows the grass to grow up over the limiting beliefs path of thought.

Your funk is not something to be shaken off; rather it is an opportunity to own your truth, re-pattern your thinking, and start focusing on what you want.

Remember it is all a creation process. Incrementally change your thoughts to those aligned with your truth. Keep showing up without judgment and know your piña colada path is always a choice that is waiting for you. So keep reaching for the thoughts that feel better and one thought at a time you will get there.

Know that until next time I am holding a place of love for you where your path to your truth and your piña colada beach are undeniable.

As you watch the video or listen to the podcast version, know that I holding a place of love for you where your path to your truth is undeniable.



Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

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You Can Also Listen To The Podcast Version On The Go!





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Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryAlicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story