Today’s Question:

Dear Alicia –

Dear Alicia – Everything feels so volatile out in the world right now. I find myself sitting in fear more that I use to. I want to make an impact, and move through my life multiplying all of the love and possibility that I know to be true, but the fear is getting in the way. How do I reduce my fear in this volatile environment? – Signed -Wanting More Than Fear

My Answer For You:

There are three steps that always help me when it comes to fear. Before I share them lets look at fear vs. love.

Every thought, action, or human impetus within you comes from either love or fear. This is the alignment of divine source energy of love or the resistance to it. Think of it like an energy source that you plug into. When you are plugged into it that energy source it flows through the experience. That thought, action, interaction, or anything that springs froth from you, it holds that very energy.

So when you are plugged into fear you create and breed the energy of fear, and when you are plugged

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

into love you create and breed the energy of love. Now here is the part I want to bring to your attention. Even if you are creating or sharing something that feels right and true to you, if it is plugged into the energy of fear it breads fear.

You see this a lot right now, people saying all the right things, while they are plugged into fear. Even though it sounds like it is in alignment with truth, it is being communicating with the energy of fear. This means that it is really breeding fear and comes across as upheaval, anger, aggression and all the things you walk away from feeling not so good. It doesn’t matter what is being said, the energy behind it is what will be felt.

Your body even sends out signals to help you know what you are plugged into. If you are surging with adrenalin, your heart rate is up, or you feel anxious or fatigued, you are probably plugged into fear.   When you get goose bumps, have a sense of ease, can breathe freely, or find yourself smiling you are probably plugged into the source energy of love.

Ok now that you have a point of reference for the energy behind the thing you experience lets get to “Reducing the Fear.”

The 3 Steps to Reduce Fear Are:

  1. Own Your Truth
  2. Be Solution Oriented
  3. Stay Focused


Knowing Your Truth: Anytime you encounter fear it is an opportunity to own your truth. And I mean fear in any form. Use whatever point of fear is present as information to help you illustrate the truth that is on the other side.

As you create a deeper ownership for your truth you will find that it creates an opportunity to plug back into that divine source energy of love.

So lets take the volatility that you mentioned in your question. If volatility is part of the information, then that is where you start.   What is the truth on the other side of volatility? Just get curious and start moving your thoughts in the direction of love.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

Start by looking for words that contradict volatility. Peaceful, alignment, harmony, stable or calm come to mind. Then think about the divine source energy of love and what truths it woven into your humanity. Isn’t source energy always working to help you and support you? Aren’t you an extension of source energy? And as an extension of source energy don’t you have the ability to flow with it rather than against it? When you find your alignment, cant you feel that energy of love flowing through you? Doesn’t that offer you stability and a breathe of peace?

Once you start reaching for those kinds of thoughts you unplug from the fear and start to bring your truth to the forefront. I really like pulling out a couple of I AM mantra style truths that are easy to reach for when that sneaky fear tries to creep back in. Like I Am An Extension of Source Energy. I AM In Alignment and In Harmony With The Divine Source Energy of Love. I AM A Conduit of Peace. It is super personal so find the ones that sooth your heart, and then keep reaching for them. That is how you own your truth; you keep choosing it even when the thought of fear come knocking at your mind. This leads us to number 2.


Be Solution Oriented: Plugged into love with your truth as your new point of reference, you can fall right into step 2. Through the energy of fear we get focused on the problem rather than the solution. Fear wants to keep you replaying the problem over and over again. But through the energy of love you can shift your focus and become solution oriented.

So if the problem is volatility and you know your truth is harmony and alignment with that energy of love, then how can you create a solution out of that? How do you bring more of that truth to life? Start for yourself and then take it out and share it with the table of humanity. Get carouse and creative and as you express and create from that place of love and truth you breed more love.

So if your truth is I Am An Extension of Source Energy. I AM In Alignment and In Harmony With The Divine Source Energy of Love, and I AM A Conduit of Peace then start to think about how you show up in the way.

Some solutions to the volatility:

  • Make sure you spend time plugging into that source energy everyday.
  • Be in nature everyday so you feel plugged into love.
  • Go out and being a conduit of peace in your community.
  • Looks for those places of harmony in your life and write them out each day.
  • Put yourself in the way of as much divine truth as possible, reading, watching, listening to the things that tickle you heart.

You get where I am going with being solution focused.   And this leads us to number 3.


Staying Focused: Try not to get distracted by all the noise of fear. Use whatever fear you need to as it gives you language to find your truth, but then stay focused on what you want, your truth, your solutions, how you want to feel, and who you want to be.

When you know it from the inside of your being out, everything changes. This is not from a place of fighting the illusions of fear, that someone else’s humanity put before you. That fight means you are still in resistance to source energy, still focused on whatever is wrong and plugged into fear.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

This deep knowing comes from your soul and source, and it floods your humanity. It comes with the goose bumps, as it washes over every cell of your being. It come with a freedom of heart and sense of peace. It comes with unwavering focus that holds true to that energy of love. This kind of knowing makes the world bends to that divine truth within you.

If something new comes in acknowledge it, and then double down on what it is you want to create in its place. Try not to let it pull you into the loop of fear. Focus is everything because where you focus, is where you end up. I know it is not an easy task, but keep reaching for your truth and keep coming back to the energy of love.

Now some people may look at this as having a Pollyanna complex. But let me ask you what good is it doing you to focus on the volatility? When you do that you end up taking on all the negative energy on as your own. You want to be validated in the all wrongness that you are carrying around with you, but that only leads to more suffering. You know what I am talking about. You have felt it, and that is why you asked the question. The volatility and fear created by other people is holding your focus and it feel terrible.

Wouldn’t you rather acknowledge their wrongness and then focus all your energy on the truth? That truth holds way more power anyway. When you express truth through the energy of fear it still breeds fear, but when you express the truth through the divine source energy of love, you breed love and all of the miracle-making components that it holds.

Remember 1,2, 3 Own Your Truth, Be Solution Oriented, and Stay Focused. You do not have to stay in the suffering or be plugged into the fear. Know that the divine source energy of love is always an option for you, because love is who you are.

And know that until next time I am holding a place of love for you where your peace and alignment with source energy of love is undeniable.

As you watch the video or listen to the podcast version, know that I holding a place of love for you where your path to your truth is undeniable.



Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

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Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryAlicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story