Today we are talking about LOVE & PRIDE:

First I want to start by saying that no matter your sexual orientation, gender identification, race, religion, financial or social station, age or any kind of classification we try to put on our humanity; this is a safe place for you to be loved, seen and accepted for all that you are.

I will always advocate for your worthiness, for the full and authentic expression of your being, and for the wholeness of your heart.

Now, did you know that “acceptance from at least one adult can decrease the risk of LGBTQ youth attempting suicide by 40%” (The Trevor Project)? Are you kidding me… let me see you… let me accept you… I will absolutely be that adult for you.

Even if you don’t read past this or watch the video past this part, I want you to know that you can comment on this video or post and I will write you a love note back. So tell me about who you are and let me see you in all your rainbow colored glory.

If you are grappling with thoughts of suicide, stop and go to the Trevor Project’s website or call 1866-488-7386 for a judgment free place to talk. They are there for support 24/7 with amazing people to help you.

Your Life, Your Story… It’s valuable even if you can’t see it in this moment.

Ok, let’s talk about LOVE

Did you know that we experience love externally to the capacity we love ourselves internally?

So the more we broaden our capacity to love ourselves that broadens our capacity to experience love out in the world. Yup.. you got it, that means your ability to create and receive love gets bigger and deeper. And who doesn’t want more love…

One of the ways to broaden the capacity of your heart is to start removing the conditions that bind your ability to love yourself.

Condition filled thoughts sound like this:

  • I am only worthy if…
  • I am only deserving when…
  • I am unlovable unless….
  • I must not be valuable because….

Can you feel how riddled with conditions those thoughts are? And they run unchecked through our inner dialog. And you know what? Our tendency is to believe them. We unknowingly take directions from them as if they know what’s best for us.

But I am here to tell you that you don’t have to believe them any more.

You have the power to change your inner dialog. You don’t have to take directions form them anymore, because you have the power to direct them instead. You don’t have to stay locked into the old patterns they offer you. They only become the voice in your head because other people’s limitations crept in and you started to believe them.

So take that power back. It’s as easy as just starting to watch your thoughts. Be easy with yourself and just notice when your thoughts don’t feel good or when it’s directing you to shrink down. Thoughts that try to convince you that things that feel good are out of your reach, notice those too.

This is a perfect place for you to start because if you bring your awareness to it, you can absolute shift it for yourself. Your inner dialog changes one thought and one feeling at a time. And you know what? It doesn’t have to be conditional on your past, your pain, or what anyone else thinks. It’s all within your power…

Here is the truth:


So let’s take those conditions off and start building up your inner dialog to match that.

Ok let’s talk about PRIDE:

When truth like this is part of your inner dialog, belief system, and self-love then pride for your life comes naturally. Now if you feel like you have to hide parts of yourself, pride can feel out of reach. If you have been made to feel like your authentic being is somehow wrong and you carry the weight of someone’s judgment, pride might not come easily to you.

But I want you to know that you deserve that self-pride and all of the joy, gratification, satisfaction and delight for being who you are that it brings with it. You are a freaking divine miracle set into human motion. PERIOD. All of those parts of you that you feel like you have to hide; they deserve the light of your self-love.

I love watching the LGBTQ+ community during PRIDE month because it’s like a permission slip to be fully authentic, and be celebrated for it by the masses.

Listen it will always be a whole lot easier to create and feel pride for your life if you pull those conditions off your self-love. Say it with me; “I AM WORTHY, DESERVING, LOVABLE AND VALUABLE JUST AS I AM.” And that is even in all your messy human glory!

Ok, remember when I was talking about broadening your capacity of heart and making more room for love? Well I want to tell you a story about one of my favorite LGBTQ+ people Robert and the unconditional love that saved and changed his life forever.

I am going to give you a very abbreviated version but please go read his story on Humans of New York’s Instagram and follow along with Mickey’s Instagram. It will give you all the feelings!

Their story is one about the power of unconditional love. It shows you how LOVE can change the course of your life, enrich it, and create endless and timeless magic.

The love that Mickey gifted to my friend Robert allowed him to step more deeply into himself. He took care of him after a suicide attempt and it was that care that created room for a new inner dialog to emerge. It was one where he was more likeable, lovable, worthy, and accepted for all of the pieces of his being.

And you know what happened? As Robert’s capacity of heart expanded he was able to love Mickey in a way that helped him bloom more deeply into he truly was. Robert’s love changed what Mickey believed was possible for him and his incredible art. The love that they created made dreams become reality.

Their story is beautiful, so please go read it. I hope it inspires your heart as much as it does mine. I am so grateful that Mickey’s love rippled out to Robert and that it continued to ripple out to me. The magic and wonder in my friend Robert is undeniable to me and I will forever be grateful he is here on this earth, gifting us all that he is. I am also so very grateful for the overwhelming power of LOVE.

I am sending you so much love to you today… remember you are worthy, valuable, deserving, and loveable and if you need a personal reminder…. Just reach out. Leave me your comment here or reach out to me on social media.

Until next time know I see you out there and I am holding a space for you to be you in all your brilliant glory!

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