Let’s talk about making your life feel better.

Here at Awakening To Your Story we talk a lot about:

  • Shifting your situation one thought and one feeling at a time.
  • Going rom where you are to where you want to be.
  • Changing bullying thoughts to thoughts of self-love.
  • Shifting from the negative to the positive.
  • The contrast between shrinking down in your life and rising up to grow more within your own being.

Today I want to focus on the transitional space in between both sides. What governs that space in between is your mindset.

A great way to think of mindset is to see it as an inner calibration.

If your mindset is calibrated or tuned to be set by what you are experiencing in the world around you, then you might find that you are limited by what has been or what you are experiencing in the moment.

If your mindset is calibrated or tuned to self-love and growth then you might find that you are curious and ready to discover what is possible as you as you look for the silver lining.

Ask yourself if you feel anchored, bullied or tethered by your thoughts. If so then your mindset is limited. If your thoughts feel like a cheerleader or best friend loving you a long the way, then you have a mindset of self-love.

Choosing a mindset gives you the upper hand over the uncertain world around you. It creates a filter for how you take in and also respond to that world.

I am not saying it’s going to make everything roses and rainbows. That’s not the goal. You can’t erase or bypass hard things in your life. But when you have a self-love mindset you get to use those hard things to help you evolve and grow. Those hard things aren’t allowed to take up residency in your mind or being. They server their purpose and then you get to grow beyond them.

Just think about how freeing it would be if those challenging situations that lead to negative thoughts no longer held you hostage. What if those thoughts were just a transition to thoughts that felt better?

A self-love mindset means choosing to think through the filter of kindness, love, and possibility. It sees that challenge but then cracks it open with love so that it can be used to move you forward. It is grounded in optimism and keeps you focused on your own heart and story.

It is a radical action in today’s world and it offers you a chance to feel better in your life.

So let’s get familiar with what the self-love mindset sounds like. When a limiting thought comes in you feel it and see it for what it is, and then you let it filter through the self-love mindset allowing the thought to evolve. Eventually the self-love mindset will become so second nature to you that it will be those kind of thoughts that take center stage of your mind.


The limiting mindset says: I can’t do it.

The self-love mind set says: I am still learning and I will keep trying.


The limiting mindset says: I am not good at this.

The self-love mind set says: I wonder how I can get better at this.


The limiting mindset says: What I am doing isn’t good enough.

The self-love mind set says: This is a good starting place to keep getting better at it.


The limiting mindset says: It’s too hard.

The self-love mind set says: With more practice this will get easier for me.


The limiting mindset says: I am afraid of making mistakes.

The self-love mind set says: Mistakes are how I learn and figure things out.


The limiting mindset says: They are way better at it then I am.

The self-love mind set says: What can I learn from what they are doing differently than me?


The limiting mindset says: I don’t know how.

The self-love mind set says: I bet I can learn how.


The limiting mindset says: I can’t make this any better.

The self-love mind set says: I can always find ways to improve.


The limiting mindset says: I’m fat… loose weight.

The self-love mind set says: My body doesn’t determine my value, worth, or significance. This is where my body is today and I am the only one that has any say in how my relationship with my body is going.


The limiting mindset says: I give up this isn’t working for me.

The self-love mind set says: I’ll get into a place of inner alignment and then try a different way.


The limiting mindset says: I feel like I don’t belong.

The self-love mind set says: I am the main character of my story and I will find the people that belong in my story.


The limiting mindset says: I don’t feel good about myself.

The self-love mind set says: I am a work in progress and I will keep working on feeling better.


The limiting mindset says: I can’t have what I want.

The self-love mind set says: What I want isn’t here yet but I will keep focused on it working its way into my life.


The limiting mindset says: I feel like I am failing.

The self-love mind set says: It’s ok for things not to work out the way I imagined. I will keep trying till I feel good about what I am doing.


Can you feel the difference between the limiting mindset and the self-love mindset? One feels like you are shrinking down while the other allows you to expand. One feels like you might have your head hung low while the other feel like your head might be held high. One makes your thoughts a bully and the other makes your thoughts a cheerleader.

I really want you to get familiar with the emotion and physical response of these mindsets because it will help you identify which one you have your thoughts calibrated to in any given moment.

Remember everything changes one thought and one feeling at a time. You have the power to create a self-love mindset so your thoughts and feelings get filtered through curiosity, kindness, love, and possibility.

With every thought you have a new opportunity to practice your self-love mindset!

Until text time know that I am holding a place for you where your self-love mindset is easy to reach for.


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