You are the author and creator of your story, the main character living it all into existence and only you get to determine who you are!

You could go through your whole life and never pay attention to the truth in that statement. But, here is why that sentence is so valuable. It’s really ease to get distracted by other people’s stories or ideas of who you are.

Anytime you feel small or less then, you are allowing your focus on what other people think or situations you may have been in determine who you are in the present moment.

Anytime you find yourself trying to please other people so that you can fit it, feel loved, worthy, or accepted you are allowing them to determine who you are. Your focus on them as you try to fit into their life…. well it allows them to become the main character of your story. You are letting them to determine who you are, how you feel and often the actions you end up taking.

Have you ever gotten into an argument and walked away feeling like you had gotten swept up in the moment and wish you hadn’t said some of the things that you did? In that moment, were you being who you wanted to be or in reacting to someone else had you allowed the moment to determine who you are?

Have you ever yelled at your parent, your kids, partner, lover, friend, or even stranger and felt a sinking feeling like you weren’t your best self? If you knew that you got to determine who you were in any situation, would you have been that person or would you have chosen differently? Would you have chosen to be a better communicator, less reactive, more understanding, or even given yourself a breath before engaging in the conversation?

See other people and situations can sneak in and before you know it you are acting like a supporting role in your own life or like someone else is writing your story and it isn’t the one you wanted.

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