It’s that “Back To School” time of year again, and with it can come increased amount of stress and anxiety. Whether you are a student, teacher, parent or just a person dealing with the increased traffic that comes with school starting back up, I want to offer you ways to get back into a heart-centered frame of mind.

Above everything else I want to remind you that you can take it all one next logical step at a time.

If things start to feel overwhelming take some deep breaths and just focus on the one next thing you can do. Asking yourself the question, “What is my next logical step forward?” can slow all the external chaos down enough to help you bring your mind back to the present moment.

In addition to that handy trick of the “heart centered” trade I have created a playlist brimming with heart-centered solutions to help you move through the stress to a deeper place of power within yourself.

The YouTube Play List That Includes Helpful Topics:

  • Mindfulness & Mental Emotional Time Travel
  • How to Deal with Stress
  • Inner Voice
  • Point of Reference
  • Your Power to Choose
  • Perfectionism

I know some of these may be a review for you but anytime you find yourself bogged down with stress, putting yourself in the way of things that lead your mind back into a place of inner alignment will help. You can watch the continuous playlist on YouTube or you can watch the individual videos and read each blog at the links below.

 EMOTIONAL TOOL –  Mindfulness & Mental Emotional Time Travel: In this video and blog I will walk you through using your Point of Reference as an Emotional Tool.

REFERENCE VIDEO – Managing Stress: In this video and blog we will look at how to deal with and manage stress. We look at both in-the-moment solutions and long term practices.

EMOTIONAL TOOL –  Inner Voice: In this video and blog we look at taking that inner dialog off auto pilot and create a more conscious relationship with it.

EMOTIONAL TOOL –  Point of Reference: In this video and blog I will walk you through using your Point of Reference as an Emotional Tool.

EMOTIONAL TOOL –  Choice: In this video and blog I will walk you into a deeper understanding of your power to choose your thoughts and feeling and how that can impact stress.

REFERENCE VIDEO – Perfectionism: In this video and blog I will show you steps that will help you overcome the inner thief of perfectionism.


The idea throughout all of this to create room to feel better, one thought and one feeling at a time. You find that you can reach for one next logical step at a time and eventually you will reach for an inspired thought that will lead to an inspired action. Before you know it you are making your way through the start of the school year to become even more joy filled.

And just know that it’s ok if you can’t seem to get there right away… it takes time to get the hang of coming back to your heart and your inner alignment. With every thought you have a new chance to try.

Let me know if you have questions, I am here to help.

Subscribe to my emails and my YouTube channel, like and share the video and blog, and until next time, know I am holding a place of love for you where the new start of the school year feels like a wonderful adventure.

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