As we continue to review and learn about some of my favorite Awakening to Your Story emotional tools, this week we will be talking about emotional volume.

Understanding how to identify emotional volume in your life is huge. It helps you create a power shifting perspective over the information that creates negative emotions, makes you feel less than, fuels a damaging inner dialog or knocks you out of place of inner alignment.

If you know how to use the emotional volume, then you find you have autonomy over even the crappiest, most stress inducing, anxiety producing, frustrating, or negative situations.

As I talk about emotional volume and how to identify it and use it, we have to first talk about “information” in your life. I want to offer you a thought that I reach for multiple times a day. IT’S ALL JUST INFORMATION. I love it so much that I even had shirts made. Now when I say that it is all just information, I mean it. If you can see everything that is coming into your story as useful information that is designed to help you, then you have the ability to actually use that information to help yourself.

Every circumstance, situation or thought that you co-create with the world around you provides you with information. You can have this information come into your life and not really feel anything about it. It comes into our life and then passes through our story as part of your experience.

You can also have the information come into your story and trigger a flood of emotions that feel really validating and positive. When this happens it makes you feel really good and can fortify that inner truth and alignment. But unless you have created a gratitude optimism practice you tendency might not be to stay focused there.

The information may also come into your life and trigger a rush of negative emotions. Often this is where you find yourself getting stuck because it feels like it knocks you down, out of your own alignment, and creates the volume we will be talking about today.

Your response to the information has everything to do with how your humanity has played out so far. That information filters through the positive and limiting beliefs you have adopted about the world around you and about yourself.

Often information gets missed because instead of seeing it for what it is, you instead take directions from negative emotions that the information created in your experience. So when you start to shift your perspective from reactive experience of the negative emotion to uncovering the information that shift creates a natural pause. This allows you to become a witness to the information and then you get to choose how you want to engage. And it’s that space or moment of witnessing and the ability to choose that gives you the autonomy over the whole situation.

Emotional Volume is directly correlated to the information that filters into your life and the emotional impact it has on you. Sometimes the volume is low, meaning that information has come into your life and your reaction to it is minor. If that’s the case it’s valuable to stay conscious and curious about these small reactions that may pull you out of your inner alignment. Shifting and adjusting when the volume is low allows you to tend to your inner alignment. Usually the second nature thing to do is to keep moving through your life.

If you find similar information that keeps showing up or you keep having the same kind of negative emotional reaction in your life, this is the volume getting turned up for you. This rise in volume is not a punishment and no one is out to get you. Although if you don’t use the volume as a tool to help you, I can see how the increased negative experiences might start feel like the world is out to get you.

The volume will usually keep on increasing until you pay attention to the pertinent information. Your reactions may also get bigger as the volume gets increased. That increased volume is designed to help you pay attention and focus on the information in your story.

When you use the volume as a tool you allow it to become an indicator that helps you find where you need to pay attention. You can feel when the volume is up even if you might not know right away what part of the information you need to dig into for yourself.

Usually the louder the volume the more clear your inner language around it becomes. That inner language illustrates where and how you are out of your own alignment.

Sometimes it’s as simple as an opportunity to re-pattern your thoughts. And if you find yourself there, using the volume to help you re- pattern your thinking then The Jellyfish Tool and Negative Bias- Finding The Power of Your Mind videos and blogs will help you lower the volume.

Sometimes the volume is there to help you see that you are out of your own inner alignment.  Maybe you have been paddling up stream, in someone else’s boat, or out of your boat altogether.   If that’s the case using the Stream Kayak Principle can help you shift so that the volume can start to lower.

Sometimes the increased volume is indicating a limiting belief that is standing in the way of where you want to go or what you want to create in your life. The volume is getting loud for you because if you don’t shift or at least work on that limiting belief, want you want will remain outside of your hearts capacity to experience it.

If you find yourself ready to work on those limiting beliefs then the What To Know When It Comes To Your Heart blog and video will help you. I also walk you through how to use your volume step by step, in the free Awakening To Your Story Starter Kit.

When the volume gets loud for you, you have the power to use it as a tool. Let the volume indicate to you what part of the information needs your attention.

And if you can feel the volume but are having a hard time deciphering that information, I am here to help. Just tell me where you are in the comments and we will get curious together.

Take a deep breath and remember that it is all just information!

Until next time, know that I am holding a space of love for you, where you have the power to lower your volume.



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