Welcome to Awakening to Your Story the place to learn, get inspired and be supported with heart-centered solutions for your everyday life. I am Alicia Hartzell and today we are going to be adding A Thought Party to your Emotional Tool Library.

Alicia HartzellAn Emotional Thought Party is a set period of time where you allow yourself to consciously daydream about what you want, from a place of infinite possibility.

Here is the deal; you are actually co-creating the life you are living. One thought and feeling at a time you are building the path that becomes your life. When we look at all the different emotional tools that I’m teaching you, they are there to help you become a more active and awake participant in your life. They are there to help you feel better and more connected to the innate power you have as the write, director and main character of your story. So let’s talk about how this tool does that.

When To Use An Emotional Thought Party: Whether you have a dream that you want to become reality or you have a way you want to feel in your life that seems out of reach this emotional tool can help you make room for it to become reality. If you are feeling held back, stuck, tangled up in thoughts that are limiting you or making you feel small then this is a great tool to reach for. If you want to create movement to your dream, get tapped back into what is possible, or reestablish some enthusiasm in your story this is one of the emotional tools that can help you get there.

Alicia HartzellThings That Trip Us Up: As we think about the things that we want we can get tripped up because we don’t know how to make it happen. Often we don’t know what the next step should be. The reality of what is right now keeps us from what could be down the road. We don’t know how to fill in the gaps from where we are, to where we want to be. This is why an Emotional Thought Party is so valuable it helps fill in those gaps.

How To Throw An Emotional Thought Party: First is to press pause on the confines of reality so that you can play in the ripples of what’s imaginable. That means leaving all the limiting thoughts on the sidelines. You are not worried about if it could really happen or if it feels far fetched. ANYTHING is possible in your thought party.

The idea is to allow yourself to think as if anything and everything is possible. And while you are thinking about it, you allow yourself to feel as if it is happening in that moment. Give yourself permission to be fully in the Thought Party. The more you think about it and feel it from this place, the more you get used to it. This allows those thoughts and feelings to become second nature to you.

Alicia HartzellThe goal is that when you think about what you want, rather then it sending you on a path of thinking that is negative linked to all the ideas of impossibility, instead it sends you on a path linked to that thought party. That path of thinking feels positive and leaves room for it to be possible. Even if you don’t yet know the next step you absolutely know the feeling of it happening. You may notice that this sounds a lot like the Jelly Fish Beach Emotional Tool. That’s because it is! Understanding your paths of thinking is so important! I will link that Emotional Tool here for you to review.

Here is what is happening behind the scenes of the emotional Through Party. You are using metacognition to bring awareness to your thoughts and then you are activating your neuroplasticity to rewire those thoughts to come from a place of possibility! When you activate neuroplasticity, it helps you create these new pathways of thinking. The more time you spend in your thought party, consciously thinking about what you want from this positive place of possibility, allowing yourself to really feel it happening, you are rewiring your brain to think about it from that experience. This is huge and helps determine how you feel in those gaps between wanting and having.

I suggest setting a timer, especially in the beginning. Start small one or two minutes at a time. One minute is a long time when you are rewiring your thoughts. So start at a minute and then build from there. It is a tool and a practice that might take a little effort at first. If a negative thought comes in, just catch it and pick one that feels better, no judgment just a playful reach for a better feeling thought.

I cannot tell you how many times I reach for this tool and how many times this tool has created the path for the things I want to show up in my life. Big things, small things, actual physical things, situational things, and emotional things, all co-created from a place of possibility. I still have lots of things on the fringe of reality not yet created in my life but I have thought parties about all of them. And when they start to feel impossible I check in with myself to see if it is something I still want. If it is, then I know I need double down on myself and have a thought party about it.

In the video I set a timer and walk you through a one minute Emotional Thought Party. I get a lot of comments and questions about feeling left out of a friendship dynamic, so as an example I through a one minute Thought Party about having good friendships where you feel connected.

Alicia HartzellRemember:

  1. Set a timer and start small
  2. Anything is possible
  3. Focus on feeling your way through
  4. Allow yourself to dream big
  5. Play because it’s a party
  6. Don’t get caught up in the details
  7. And one more time ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE

Ok, I am here if you have questions or need help along the way. Leave your comments, like and share this video and post, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and until next time know that I am holding a place of love for you where your thought party becomes your reality!

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