I want to talk with you today about this idea that You Are A Receiver Open And Ready For Your Next Logical Step Forward.

You are conduit of divine energy, designed to receive. A creator by nature, you are part of this ever expanding experience. Your divinity and humanity are ready and open for inspired action. With every thought that you think you have the ability to create your whole reality. This is not a small thing. You have the power to feel your way through your life, building it all one thought at a time.

When you own this fundamental truth of being a receiver you have source energy at your disposal, ready to flow right into your being. Ask and you shall receive, as long as you stay open and ready it will flow right into your experience. You never have to figure it all out at once. You are never asked to have all the details in order on your own. Actually you are never alone on the creation process.

The problem is that often we forget that we aren’t alone; that we have source energy, the divine, God, Spirit… use whatever langue resonates with your soul, ever-present and with us in it all. You were never designed to create your life without the energy that makes world, helping you along the way. When we forget this, fear can creep in. Fear can hold your focus and put all sorts of conditions and limitations on what is possible.

If this is happening to you, it is ok… There is power and opportunity in every moment that you experience in your story. But I don’t want you to get stuck believing thoughts aligned with fear. I want you to use them to help you realign with your truth.

Here are a few typical thoughts that you might find sneaking in if you find yourself stuck, not knowing what to do next:

  • I don’t know what to do next.
  • I feel paralyzed and afraid to move forward.
  • I can’t figure how to get what I want.
  • I don’t want to make the wrong move.
  • It feels like I am failing and don’t know how to make it work.

None of these thoughts feel good when you think them. It will never feel good to resist or push against your truth.

It’s important to understand that thoughts like these are separate from who you are.

You may think them, and they may feel very real to you in the moment, but they don’t actually define you and they are not essential to who you are. Thoughts like these try to limit your truth and make you feel smaller and less then how you were designed to feel and be in your life. It is for this reason I like to call them out as limiting beliefs.

Beliefs are a repetitive pattern of thinking. That’s right you have beliefs simply because you keep thinking the same thought over and over again

There are beliefs aligned with your essential truth that feel really good. They are supportive and fortifying as you think them. When you focus on them life feels like it opens up for you and like anything is possible.

And there are beliefs like the ones we just mentioned that put limits on your truth and feel negative as you think them. They can send you into an emotional tailspin as they try to convince you that you are less then what you are.

There are many ways to pick up a limiting belief. People who are limited in their own beliefs may have handed them down to you. They try to convince you of what your reality should be according to their limitation, and often in our own uncertainty we take it really believe it to be true.

It can also happen when a situation comes into your life with a lot of negative energy behind it. Or when you find yourself in a negative repetitive experience a limiting belief can easily be adopted.

No matter how you pick up the limiting beliefs they always contradict your essential truth, and they never feel good as you think them.

So what if you are tired of thinking thoughts that feel bad and you want to think thoughts that feel better? It is totally within your power. That’s the great thing about beliefs; because they are simply thoughts that you think over and over again, and you absolutely you have the power to change them.

I like to call this process re-patterning. For me activating a process that I can move through feels like it gives me my power back. There are endless ways of going about re-patterning, but the important thing to remember is it happens one thought at a time.

Your first job is notice the negative thought that is causing you discomfort. They are the indicators that you are out of alignment with your truth. Call it out so that it can no longer run on repeat in the background of your thinking.

As you bring your conscious awareness to the thought and you can fell that it is not aligned with your truth, your next job is to stop believe what it’s telling you. That’s right you don’t have to take direction from the thought that are running through your mind. You get to control them not the other way around.

Once you have the limiting belief isolated and you can see it for what it is, then you start to make room for a new idea to emerge. This is where you get curious as you try to find a thought that feels more aligned with your truth.

Let’s say you have a thought that tells you that you don’t know what to do next. What if you take the limitation off that belief? What would you have then?

Maybe a thought like that takes some of the pressure off like, I don’t have to know what to do next right now. Then maybe one that says, wait I can ask the divinity for help, a sign, for some inspiration. Then that thought might lead to a thought like, I am open and ready to receive an inkling that will help me know my next logical step forward.

Then get curious about your feelings. What would it feel like to know my next logical step forward? How magical would it feel to receive inspired thoughts that create inspired action? Tap into those feelings and experience them now as you think them.

Put your mind and energy there as often as possible.

When you activate thought like these, it helps you create a deeper language for your desire and your truth. It helps you keep your focus on where you want to be.

This is why it’s so valuable not to react, repress, or rebel from the limiting beliefs, but rather use them. When you stop taking direction from them and get curious instead, you allow them to help you create language for your truth. From this place you will find yourself having a very different kind of experience.

So let’s use some of the limiting beliefs we called out before to help us find some new patterns of thinking.

  • I am open and ready to receive inspired thoughts that will help me take inspired action.
  • My next logical step forward will feel easy and like it was designed for me.
  • All the details will sort themselves out as I focus on how I want to feel while I am creating it into existence.
  • There are endless opportunities for me to create.
  • I am supported and divine source energy is always working with me in my favor.

Thoughts like these are more aligned with your truth, and there is a beautiful sense of freedom that comes with your truth. So get curious about your thoughts and feeling. Take a second or third look to make sure they are the ones you really want to be thinking and feeling. And remember it all changes one thought at time!

I want to focus on some things that will help you as you re-pattern your thoughts.

Intention setting has two very powerful jobs in your life.  One job is to consciously claim what it is you want. The second job is to act as a check-in guard to your point of reference. That way when something coming into your life you can see if it is in alignment with your intention. If it is, wonderful, and if it is not you can kick that sucker to the curb.

I am going to offer you one but feel free to have fun and come up with one of your own. I would start your day with it, and then return to it as many times as you need to. Put it somewhere in your bathroom so you see it first thing in the morning. Or put it on your nightstand, in your car or by your coffee pot.

Here is one for your to try out.

“My intention is to watch my thoughts with compassion and to reach for thoughts throughout my day the feel good to me. My intention is to feel good, and I will use my thought to help me get there.”

Another thing that really helps as you re-pattern your thoughts is giving yourself permission.

Permission is a huge thing that often gets overlooked. Self-permission can feel like opening a door that was once closed to you because it eases up on the resistance. It helps you claim the power to do or not do what your heart really wants.

So we are going to put some conscious awareness to self-permission because you are 100% worth it! Like the intention I will start you off, but you can really run free with this and create endless space for yourself.

“I give myself permission to be open and ready to receive inspired thought that will allow me to take inspired action.”

It feels pretty good right?

Remember Re-patterning is all about changing your focus to support the new patterns of thinking that are aligned with your truth. It all happens one thought at a time. So watch those thoughts as they come in and choose the ones that feel better. These micro adjustments give you back your power.

An additional trick that I love to help build up those new patterns of thinking, is to flood your mind with outside sources that are similar to your new thoughts. An idle mind will always tend to go back to what it knows best. So keep it moving down those new trains of thought with things like these:

  1. Listen to podcasts of people who are focused where you want to go while you are driving, running errands, exercising, or while you are doing things around the house.
  2. Watch videos of people who inspire you to deepen into those new patterns of thinking or are living them for you to see play out, while you are getting ready or are cooking.
  3. Watch a movie that reinforces your new pattern of thinking and can help you see the positive truths play out before you.
  4. Write those truths out as many times as you can and then go back and reread them often! When you write things down it helps your brain prioritize what you want it to focus and act on. Reading activates the mind in a similar way but sets your imagination into action at the same time. So prioritize and set your imagination into action on those truths!
  5. Tell an inner circle friend that you trust what you are working to re-pattern so that you have someone to help you get excited and they can celebrate with you as all the new experiences that match your newly activated truth come into your life.

Here are some videos of previous episodes from Awaking to Your Story TV that might help. There will also be a Re-align and Re-pattern video that will go hand in hand with this episode. It will be Episode 18 of Season 5.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story











If you enjoy a more hands-on approach you can always grab other Awaking to Your Story Tools:

Remember you are a receiver, open and ready to take the next logical step forward.

Until next time know I am holding a place of love for you where your next inspired step forward is undeniable.


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