This video is all about creating some space to Re-align and Re-pattern of your thoughts back to your truth that says, “You Are Living Your Story, You Are The Author and You Are the Main Character.”

Any thoughts in resistance to this truth, now have what I want in my life; now have permission to sit outside of you. You no longer need them to show you where to focus your energy and attention.

You Can Also Listen To This Week’s Episode In An Audio Format





Now if you need a little extra help sorting your way back to your truth there this video and audio from last week will help you navigate your way through the limiting beliefs and back to your truth.





“My intention is to watch my thoughts with compassion and to reach for thoughts throughout my day the feel good to me. My intention is to feel good, and I will use my thought to help me get there.”


Intention setting has two very powerful jobs in your life.  One job is to consciously claim what it is you want. The second job is to act as a check-in guard to your point of reference.

It is a great way to start you day, and then return to it as many times as you need to.


“I give myself permission really take ownership for being the author and main character of my story. I have permission to keep my focus on my heart as I plug back into my truth and power.”


Self-permission can feel like opening a door that was once closed to you. It also helps you claim the power to do or not do what your heart really wants.

It is also a great way to start off your day, returning to it as much as your heart desires.


Let’s call out some of those amazing new patterns of thought. Remember thoughts like these are more aligned with your truth, and there is a beautiful sense of freedom that comes with your truth. Call them out and return to them as many times as you can.


  • This is my story; I am the author and main character.
  • As the author of my story I always have a choice to write it the way I want to write it.
  • I have the ability to focus on what I have the power to change.
  • It always feels better when I bring it back to my heart and story.
  • I get to focus on validating my truth.

Remember to hit repeat on this as may times as you need to until the voices in your head shift to echo thoughts like these and words like these become your own.

Keep reaching for thoughts that feel better to you! You are the writer of your story and the main character living it into reality. It is well within you power to feel good, one thought and feeling at a time.

When you are re-patterning and realigning your thoughts you are choosing to unplug from the fear and limiting beliefs and you are choosing to plug back into love and your essential truth.

Put yourself in the way of feeling goof and being in enlightenment with your truth as much as you can.

Gifting yourself time to really focus on these realigned feeling is so valuable.  Writing those feelings down is a wonderful tool help you create that time and space.  I have put together some journal prompts and essential truth and self love affirmations to help get you started.  If you are going to go through multiple episodes of Season 5, I highly recommend keeping your journal entries all in one place. That way you can go back and read them all together and it will help you get plugged right back into the good feeling energy.  I have also added in one of my favorite divine winks of love, those little hearts I find all around me, to remind you that love in its purest and most divine form is always around you too!









Here are some more ways to help you support this place of good feeling energy.

  • Listen to music that you love
  • Meditate – Try The Ones Below Out Video Or Audio
  • Dance it out
  • Go for a walk
  • Watch a funny video of a baby laughing or a baby animal being cute.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story






You’ve got this, and until next time know that I am holding a place of love for you are owning the powerful rolls of main character and author of your story.


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