I want to talk with you today about this idea that Your Body Is A Gift That Your Divinity Gave to Your Humanity So That You Can Create.

You are not your body, you have a body. And that’s a very important distinction to make. Your body is a gift and an opportunity set into motion. That’s right your divinity, you can call it soul or higher consciences or essence whatever feels good to you, gifted your humanity your very body so that you can create in this world.

Think about it, your body allows your humanity to create in every given moment. You are creating small things like a thought, or a heartbeat and crazy amazing things like relationships, other humans, technology, art, scientific discoveries…. List is endless.

It doesn’t really matter what your body looks like or how perfectly it works, it only matters how you feel in it. You are designed to feel good in your body, ready and eager to explore and create, to build your existence and reality one thought at a time. What a powerful tool your body is to you! Its something to be celebrated and enjoyed, appreciated and cherished.

When a habit of criticism sneaks into the relationship you have with your body it starts to mask other parts of your truth. Negative thought by thought you slowly build up a wall of conditions around your worth. And it’s all such an easy lie to believe… that your body must look a certain way for you to feel fully worthy. Don’t focus on the gift that it is so that you can create instead focus on how it looks… I mean come on. Her is the thing you and your body are in a life long relationship. I think its pretty valuable to make sure that your relationship with it is healthy.

And that’s ok if you aren’t quite there yet. There is power and opportunity in every moment of your story. But I don’t want you to get stuck in a toxic relationship with your body so let’s take a look and see if we can shift your perspective a little.

Here are a few negative thoughts that you might find sneaking in and mucking up your relationship with your body:

  • I hate by body.
  • I feel ashamed that I look this way.
  • I can’t look in the mirror without focusing on my flaws, my wrinkles, dark spots, my droopy jowls, rolls, cellulite, pooch, flabby arms or scars.
  • I wish I was different.
  • Why can’t I look more like so and so.

None of these thoughts feel good when you think them. It will never feel good to resist or push against your truth.

It’s important to understand that thoughts like these are separate from who you are.

You may think them, and they may feel very real to you in the moment, but they don’t actually define you and they are not essential to who you are.

Thoughts like these try to limit your truth and make you feel smaller and less then how you were designed to feel and be in your life. It is for this reason I like to call them out for what they are, limiting beliefs.

Beliefs are a repetitive pattern of thinking that creates focus and momentum that leads you forward to wherever it is you find yourself in life.

There are beliefs aligned with your truth that feel supportive and fortifying as you think them. When you focus on them they get you feeling all jazzed up about your life and it feels as if they plug you right into that source energy.

And there are beliefs like the ones we just mentioned that put limits on your truth and feel negative and restrictive as you think them. They can send you into an emotional tailspin because they are plugged into the energy of fear rather then your essential truth of love.

There are many ways to pick up a limiting belief. People who are limited in their own beliefs may have handed them down to you. They try to convince you of what your reality should be according to their limitation. Often in our own uncertainty we take it really believe it to be true.

It can also happen when a situation comes into your life with a lot of negative energy behind it. When you find yourself in a repetitive experience that feel negative limiting beliefs are easily adopted.

No matter how you pick up the limiting beliefs they always contradict your essential truth, and they never feel good as you think them.

So what if you are tired of thinking thoughts that feel bad and you want to think thoughts that feel better? Well that is totally within your power. That’s the great thing about beliefs; because they are simply thoughts that you think over and over again, and you absolutely you have the power to change them.

I like to call this process re-patterning. For me activating a process feels like it gives me power through action. There are endless ways of going about re-patterning, but the important thing to remember is it happens one thought at a time.

Your first job is notice the negative thought that is causing you discomfort. They are the indicators that you are out of alignment with your truth. Call it out so that it can no longer run on repeat in the background of your thinking.

As you bring your conscious awareness to the thought and you can see that it is not aligned with your truth, your next job is to stop believe what it’s telling you. When you do this it slows down the momentum, energy, and emotion that it has been carrying with it. You were never meant to believe it anyway, you were meant to use it to help you feel your way back to your truth.

Once you have the limiting belief isolated and you can see it for what it is, then you start to make room for a new idea to emerge. This is where you redirect your thought and feel your way back to your truth.

Let’s say you have a thought that tells you that you hate your body. What if you start by thinking about what that thought would be without the limitation. What would you have then? Maybe a thought like, “I appreciate my body.”

Appreciation is always a good place to start. As you appreciate all the things that your body does without you even having to tell it to, try to take it deeper. Could that appreciation expand into an affinity? Could you think about how miraculous your body is and start to really like your body and what it is capable of creating?

That kind of appreciation might lead you to a thought like, My body is a gift that my divinity gave to my humanity so that you can create in this world. That could lead to a thought like; I am building a healthy relationship with my body one thought at a time. A thought that powerful might just open the door to a thought like, I celebrate all the amazing and unique parts of me, and that incudes this miraculous body.

As you start to turn your focus towards the truth you naturally begin to unplug from the limiting belief. Keep your thoughts flowing from the direction of your truth as you move towards feeling your way though them.

What would it feel like to really like your body? How freeing would it be to only think positive thought about your body? What if those were the only thoughts that came up in your mind in relation to your body? How much harmony would be created within you if you weren’t in resistance to the very tool you live in 24 hours a day? It would feel really-really good, and it would create an ease about you that would filter into all the other aspects of your life.

Let your mind and energy stay here for a while. Let yourself see your body for the gift that it is. Find thoughts that celebrate this incredible tool that you have to create in our world. Each thought shifting your relationship with your body to one that is more positive and aligned with your truth.

This is why it’s so valuable not to react, repress, or rebel from the limiting beliefs, but rather use them. When you stop taking direction from them and get curious instead, you allow them to help you create language for your truth. From this place you will find yourself having a very different kind of experience.

So let’s use some of the limiting beliefs we called out before to help us find some new patterns of thinking.

  • I appreciate my body for all that it does for me everyday.
  • My body is a gift that my divinity gave to my humanity so that I can create in this world.
  • My favorite things about my body are… That’s right, call them out!
  • I am building a healthy relationship with my body one thought at a time.
  • I celebrate all the amazing and unique parts of me, and that incudes this miraculous body.

Thoughts like these are more aligned with your truth, and there is a beautiful sense of freedom and ease that comes with your truth. So get curious about your thoughts and feeling. Take a second or third look to make sure they are the ones you really want to be thinking and feeling. And remember it all changes one thought at time!

I want to focus on some things that will help you as you re-pattern your thoughts.

Intention setting has two very powerful jobs in your life.  One job is to consciously claim what it is you want. The second job is to act as a check-in guard to your point of reference. That way when something coming into your life you can see if it is in alignment with your intention. If it is, wonderful, and if it is not you can kick that sucker to the curb.

I am going to offer you one but feel free to have fun and come up with one of your own. I would start your day with it, and then return to it as many times as you need to. Put it somewhere in your bathroom so you see it first thing in the morning. Or put it on your nightstand, in your car or by your coffee pot.

Here is one for you to try out.

“My intention is to watch my thoughts with compassion and to reach for thoughts throughout my day the feel good to me. My intention is to feel good, and I will use my thought to help me get there.”

Another thing that really helps as you re-pattern your thoughts is giving yourself permission.

Permission is a huge thing that often gets overlooked. Self-permission can feel like opening a door that was once closed to you because it eases up on the resistance. It helps you claim the power to do or not do what your heart really wants.

So we are going to put some conscious awareness to self-permission because you are 100% worth it! Like the intention I will start you off, but you can really run free with this and create endless space for yourself.

“I give myself permission to see my body as a gift and an extraordinary tool to create. I give myself permission to see what is right, beautiful, good, and working well as I find a deeper love for my body.”

It feels pretty good right?

Remember Re-patterning is all about changing your focus to support the new patterns of thinking that are aligned with your truth. It all happens one thought at a time. So watch those thoughts as they come in and choose the ones that feel better. These micro adjustments give you back your power.

An additional trick that I love to help build up those new patterns of thinking, is to flood your mind with outside sources that are similar to your new thoughts. An idle mind will always tend to go back to what it knows best. So keep it moving down those new trains of thought with things like these:

  1. Listen to podcasts of people who are focused where you want to go while you are driving, running errands, exercising, or while you are doing things around the house.
  2. Watch videos of people who inspire you to deepen into those new patterns of thinking or are living them for you to see play out, while you are getting ready or are cooking.
  3. Watch a movie that reinforces your new pattern of thinking and can help you see the positive truths play out before you.
  4. Write those truths out as many times as you can and then go back and reread them often! When you write things down it helps your brain prioritize what you want it to focus and act on. Reading activates the mind in a similar way but sets your imagination into action at the same time. So prioritize and set your imagination into action on those truths!
  5. Tell an inner circle friend that you trust what you are working to re-pattern so that you have someone to help you get excited and they can celebrate with you as all the new experiences that match your newly activated truth come into your life.

Here are some videos of previous episodes from Awaking to Your Story TV that might help. There will also be a Re-align and Re-pattern video that will go hand in hand with this episode. It will be Episode 2 of Season 5.

Awakening To Your Story Alicia Hartzell Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story











If you enjoy a more hands-on approach you can always grab other Awaking to Your Story Tools:

Remember you get to choose what kind of relationship you have with your body.

Until next time, know I am holding a place of love for you where you celebrating your body for the miraculous gift that it is, well it’s undeniable.


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