What Has Been Your Favorite Success

 In Blog, Summer Session

SUMMER SESSION: Questions to Awaken Your Heart, Mind, and Soul.

Here is a question that will help you reflect, clarify, and celebrate your story.

Sometimes it simply takes the spark of a questions to ignite an inner flame, illuminating where you have been, where you are in this moment, and where you heart is longing to go.

Ask yourself, ask your friends, your partner, your children, or ask a stranger this week’s question, and watch the miracles unfold before you!

This week’s question is:


What Is Your Favorite Success?


Success can be such a sticky-tricky thing, because we are often taught to down play what is working in our lives. How many times have you shrugged off your success, big or small? How many times do you just move on to the next thing without celebrating the win? I don’t know about you, but as I get older, I need those moments of celebration and reflection more and more. You don’t want to be an egomaniac, but you also don’t have to negate the awe and wonder of what you create and do in life.

Listen, the voices in our heads are real quick to point out where we fail, fall short, or are not enough. It’s time to re-learn the value of celebrating our personal wins and successes so that the voices in your head can focus on that instead. One set of voices are aligned with limiting beliefs and the other are aligned with your essential truth. Guess which one is better for your health and wellbeing?Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

Let me ask you another question about successes. Where does your mind go when you see other people succeeding? Do you want to tear them down? Do they make you feel like a failure? Can you get on board and celebrate them? Can you see their successes as a place of possibility for your own? Just think on it for a bit. Other people are a mirror to your own heart. How you respond will show you how you feel about your own heart. Being reactive to other people’s successes can be a symptom of something going on within your own heart. You might just be blocking your own success and putting your heart on lock down because of fear, unworthiness, doubt, or limiting beliefs.

There is room for you to succeed.  There is room for all of us to succeed. One person’s success doesn’t determine your ability to succeed; it actually shows you what is possible! From experience I will tell you that the energy of success and celebrating those wins multiply. The energy doesn’t have to come from your own wins, that why other people succeeding and winning is so important to all of us at the table of humanity.

Once you start to focus on that energy, it just starts to build on itself. Now let me be clear, I don’t mean putting pressure and harshly driving yourself into success. It’s more about focus and perspective. Seeing a win for a win no matter how big or small will open the door for them to come flooding in. Set yourself up to succeed by being able to start small if you need to, and that goes for celebrating the wins and success for other people too!

A Few Things To Deepen Your Experience With This Week’s Question

  1. Don’t Stop At One Answer:
    Take the larger macro scape question; “What is your greatest success?” and make its focus more micro in scope; “What has been your greatest success today?”  Shifting the question like this helps you see that your truth is not just a one off experience.
  2. My Favorite Thing About Celebrating Success:
    My favorite thing about success is that it multiples! Where you focus your attention is where you will be. So, if you are focusing on the places where you are winning, they can’t help but multiply.
  3. Use The Question to Stay Plugged Into Your Truth:
    Keep this week’s question stoking the fire of inner curiosity and let it help you stay plugged into your truth.  Two of the “I AM Essential Truths” that work really well with this week’s question are: I AM BRAVE and I AM UNIQUE.


BraveAlicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story







My Answer To This Week’s Question Goes Like This…

I have to say, my favorite success is becoming a writer and published author. Sometimes through the fog of doubt and everything else I am trying to build, I loose sight of this very valuable accomplishment. I Alicia Hartzell Awakening to your Storyforget that I get to be a writer every single day. I forget about what that success offered, and still offers me every single day. I have a book baby, a starter kit baby, and a handbook baby that I authored. That is a lot of truth and heart put into words to help others.

It’s through my writing that my soul comes alive, that I can feel the source energy moving through me, and that I get to offer something back to the table of humanity. This huge success was a jumping off point for living into my purpose, and when I plug back into that energy, I can’t help but feel connected grounded and fortified for whatever is to come. That is the power of celebrating your success. You get to say, hey look at what my divinity and humanity accomplished. If I can do that, then I can do whatever is next on the docket.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryI’m going to be super honest, because that who I am, I have to keep myself in check just like you. Sometimes I see other authors accomplishing the very things I want to accomplish, and I start to tear myself to shreds. There are moments I catch myself scrolling through instagram and giving some of my favorite people at the table of humanity, side-eye for winning. It’s a palm to forehead moment for sure. Then I take a deep breath and release my own fear of not making it there too, and celebrate the heck out where they are. If they can make that kind of magic then it’s possible for me to make it too!

So my micro look at this week’s question is all about looking for wins everyday this week, I am going to call them out to myself and by tribe, so we can make that energy multiply. Try it, and then see what opens up for you! My hope is that in reading this you give yourself permission to celebrate your successes and the successes of the people around you.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to your StoryOk I can’t wait to celebrate your success! Remember there are no wrong answers here. Try not to let the limiting voices in your head judge your responses for you.  Just stay open and curious as you reach for more of what makes you feel alive!

Share your successes with me this week. Write them in the comments on the blog and social media, or reply to the weekly email is you want to keep them more private. I would love to celebrate you no matter how big or small!

Remember I am always here to teach, support, and inspire you with heart-centered solutions for your everyday problems.
xoxo- Alicia


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Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story