What is the Bravest Thing You Have Ever Done

 In Blog, Summer Session

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

SUMMER SESSION: Questions to Awaken Your Heart, Mind, and Soul.

Here is a question that will help you reflect, clarify, and celebrate your story.

Sometimes it simply takes the spark of a questions to ignite an inner flame, illuminating where you have been, where you are in this moment, and where you heart is longing to go.

Ask yourself, ask your friends, your partner, your children, or ask a stranger this week’s question, and watch the miracles unfold before you!

This week’s question is:


What is the bravest thing you have ever done?

This question plugs into your essential truth.  Sometimes there is this funny thing that happens when you plug your curiosity into an element of your essential truth, your limiting beliefs hijack your thoughts.  They trick you into shrugging questions like this off, making you think they are off limits to you.  Your limiting beliefs want you to play small, and to fit into the box of other people’s design.


This week’s question is about bravery, and that is not something that is off limits to you. Bravery is a component of your divinity that has been woven into your humanity.  Putting your conscious awareness back into this element of your essential truth is powerful, and purpose filled.  When you fortify your truth by spending more time in it, you weaken the limiting beliefs that hold you back.

When you stand at the presuppose of something that scares you, or something you desire so Awakening to Your Storydeeply, but you can’t seem to figure out how to get to; bravery is the truth you reach for. Bravery is the truth within you that allows you to rise no matter the condition. It looks the fear and limitation in the eye and says you have no power over my path forward. This truth gifts you the space to transform what feels impossible, into a place of endless possibility.

No matter how much fear may creep in, no matter what those voices in your head tell you about your ability, your essential truth brings you back to a place of inner power. You are brave, that bravery that is nestled down deep within your heart and every cell of your being. It was there long before the limiting beliefs, long before those voices could hold you back. Your bravery allows you to rise within, with no attachment to an outcome. You don’t have to succeed, to overcome or conquer to be brave, you just have to show up.

Remember, when you active your curiosity limiting beliefs have a harder time fooling you. Curiosity is fear and limiting beliefs nemesis.  Questions like this fuel curiosity and illuminate your truth!

A Few Things To Deepen Your Experience With This Week’s Question

  1. Don’t Stop At One Answer:
    Take the larger macro scape question; “What is the bravest thing you have ever done?” and make it’s focus more micro in scope; “What is the bravest thing you have done this week or today?”  Shifting the question like this helps you see that your truth is not just a one off experience.
  2. My Favorite Thing About Bravery:
    I said it earlier and I will say it over and over again because it is my favorite thing about bravery.  It is the truth within you that allows you to rise, no matter the condition or outcome. That is right, you don’t have to succeed, overcome, or conquer to step into your essential truth of bravery.   Bravery looks fear in the eye and says, you have no power over my path forward.  It clears a path for you to step in and embody your desires.
  3. Use The Question to Stay Plugged Into Your Truth:
    Keep this week’s question stoking the fire of inner curiosity and let it help you stay plugged into your truth.  Two of the “I AM Essential Truths” that work really well with this week’s question are: I AM BRAVE and I AM STRONG.  Read the post, listen to the podcast, or watch the Awakening to Your Story TV episode and plug back into your truth by clicking on the images. These really tickle your soul and spark a connection with that inner light, and will help you plug into that inner truth of beauty.








My Answer To This Week’s Question Goes Like This…

The bravest thing I have ever done was run into a house that was on fire.  This was before cell phones. I was a freshman in collage and I drove past a house that was visibly burning. I pulled Awakening to Your Storythe car over jumped out and ran to the front door.  It wasn’t hot yet so I opened it and started running through the house screaming for anyone that was there.  A teenager came running out crying and screaming for help. He had been trying to catch his cat and take it outside.  He said the fire department had been called and pleaded for me to help him take some things outside to safety. I spent the next bit of time running photo albums and pets outside.  The police and fire department finally came and put out the fire.  In the moment I didn’t think of anything except helping and doing what was in front of me.

Outside of that big brave moment, it took a lot of bravery to write my first book, walk away from my job, and step more deeply into my purpose. My micro response is that it takes bravery to show up everyday, when the path to my dreams feels very unknown to me.  I don’t often doubt my purpose, but I constantly doubt my ability to make it sustainable. Showing up even when the voices of doubt cloud my vision, is the bravest thing I have done today.

Keep in mind there are no wrong answers! Try not to let the limiting voices in your head judge you responses for you.  Just stay open and curious.

Tell me your answer to this week’s question. I can’t wait to hear what comes up for you! Remember I am always here to teach, support, and inspire you with heart-centered solutions for your everyday problems.
xoxo- Alicia


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Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryAlicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story