Your Lineage and Legacy

 In Blog, Love & Support


Love-Lineage-Legacy-Alicia-Hartzell-LOVE is your lineage and your legacy. LOVE is your essence and intuitive nature. LOVE is the divine stardust that you are created from, and it courses through every cell of your being. LOVE can be your first response. LOVE starts in YOU, As someone who grew up in the feral soils of love mixed trauma, abuse, challenge and pain, I can say this without question: It does not matter where you came from, what you have lived through or to what pain you might be tethered.

Your true lineage and legacy is LOVE! Listen, everything else are simply details in your story. If you have the right tools and become conscious, you have the power to write the most amazing adventure! It takes time to sort through the details and transform the pain they hold into power, but if I can do it, my love, so can you! Listen, I can’t help but teach what I know. You see I found my power and connection to my lineage and legacy of love, and it transformed my life! Once I figured out how my heart worked I could see it was universal! So, today I help people map out their hearts. I teach you how to read what’s there, so you can pave your way to your own happiness! You have understand the details are all there to serve your higher good. Life conspires in your favor, because love is you lineage! Life happens for you never to you, because love is your legacy!! Own the power of all that you are!! If you need help along the way the information you find at Awakening to Your Story is empowering and inspiring!! If you are ready to find out more about heart mapping you can always sign up for a one on one session to get started!

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