Today’s Question:

Dear Alicia –

How do you stay positive and real when you’re sad and things feel really unfair? Especially when you feel betrayed by people who are close to you.  


How do you process, accept, and forgive while saying positive and trying to move forward? I’m stuck and it all feels so negative. I just want to feel like I’m back on track again.

My Answer For You:

It can be hard to stay positive when you’re sad and things feel unfair. There is a difference in trying to eliminate a negative emotion by suppressing or hiding it, and using it to help you clean up your heart. Your mind just keeps running over the details links to the sadness because it is trying to get you to pay attention to limiting beliefs that are holding you back.


Today’s episode is all about giving you insight and helping you understand that being authentic and engaged in what you are feeling is healthier than trying to hide behind an emotion that isn’t real in that moment. Watch today’s video and learn the difference in living through the intention of being positive and hiding behind a false mask of positivity. When you have the ability to use your place of struggle, to help you let go of what isn’t serving your higher good, it allows you to fully embody that intention of living through a place of positivity in a truly authentic way.



A Few Things To Keep In Mind:


  • All of your emotions, even the negative ones, are designed to help you, as long as you use them.
  • It is all happening for you never to you.
  • Law of attraction is always working for you.





As you watch the video or listen to the podcast version, know that I holding a place of love for you where the positive characteristics of love and truth are undeniable for you.




Don’t Forget:

You Can Also Listen To The Podcast Version On The Go!





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